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Modeling our fantasy world, 1/87th at a time...
Layout Progress Pages    

Northwest Corner - Toon Cemetary - Coal/Gravel transfer site - Farm

Northeast Corner - Dick and Jims Salvage Yard

City of Willamette

Center Loop - Mining Area - Tom's Fishing Lodge

West Side - Crystal Bay Industrial Area

Southwest Corner - RV Park - Saw Mill

Southeast Corner - Log transfer site - Tilt up with campground

East Yard - (Yet to be named)

Eastern Branch Yard - (Back Room holding yard)

Staging Yard-(Back Room)

Future Construction

March 2011:  Showing the hill above the town of Willamette with the water tower.
May 2011:  Future location of the Salvage Yard in the foreground.
May 2011:  Future location of Salvage Yard and Patrick's Cabin in lower left corner.
November 2011?:  This photograph appears to be missed dated as it illustrates the future homes of the Salvage Yard and Patrick's cabin in a stages of construction that are prior to earlier photographs.
August 2013
August 2013:  Fire Watch Tower above Redneck Cabin.
August 2013:  Redneck Cabin with Fire Watch Tower above and behind on the mountain.
August 2013:  Close up of Fire Watch Tower.
August 2013:  Patrick's House - sign
August 2013:  Patrick's House
August 2013:  Diner next to the salvage yard (Sears Scrap Metal)
August 2013
August 2013:  Salvage Yard at bottom with the Center Loop and Mine in the background.
2013:  Unsure of the Month - This shows the Salvage Yard prior to its current state of revised construction.
I see a future member of the club in this photograph who joined during the May 2012 Open House Event.

Salvage Yard & Redneck Cabin
April 2014