Toronto Transportation Commission
Initially buses were used on low ridership routes that did not warrent
the expense of laying streetcar tracks.
A major expansion of the TTC's area came about with the creation of
Metropolitan Toronto which took in several smaller towns and villages
adjacent to Toronto just as had happened decades earlier with numerous
annexations by Toronto. There was a compulsory acquisition of all
independent bus lines within Metro.
Humberside bus route
Early doubledeck buses.

Looking in the opposite direction from the south side
of Dundas Street West in front of the old West Toronto City Hall.
The TTC Runnymede bus came from Bloor Street where it wyed in the intersection,
via Runnymede Road and Annette Street and had recently been rerouted
to loop on streets via Mavety Street, Dundas, Keele and Annette. Schedule
sign on far pole. The Lambton bus looped via Anneette, Mavety and went
west on Dundas St.W. to Lambton Avenue (Prince Edward Drive) having
been extended there recently from the Lambton
House hotel at the Humber River. This was a separate fare service
operated for the Township of York and in later years used Gray Coach
Lines buses. It replaced the Lambton car abandoned August 18,1928. Note
the drinking water fountain, common on city streets for many years.
Now, you could die of thirst looking for one!

Early buses looked like this pneumatic-tire White
Motor Company model 50A, first of three just acquired, TTC 16.
November 20, 1924. City of Toronto Archives TTC Collection 3554