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State & national passenger rail advocacy organizations
Missouri & Kansas transit organizations
Other railroad links

National & state rail passenger advocacy organizations

National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP)
United Rail Passenger Alliance

Alabama- Railroad Association of Alabama - No site online.
Arizona ARP
Arkansas ARP
California- Railroad Passenger Association of California - RailPAC
Colorado Rail Passenger Association - ColoRail
Delaware Valley ARP (Delaware, E. Pa.).
Florida Coalition of Rail Passengers
Georgia ARP/
Illinois ARP
Iowa ARP
Kentucky-Indiana Rail Advocates
Louisiana ARP
Maine - Train Riders Northeast
Michigan ARP
Minnesota ARP out of date
Missouri - Missourians for Rail Passenger Service
Missouri - St. Louis -
Citizens for Modern Transit
Montana-Wyoming ARP (formed in 2000)
Nebraska- ProRail Nebraska
New Jersey ARP
New Mexico ARP  out of service
New Mexico - Rails- NM Passenger Rail Group
New York - Empire State Passenger Assn.
North & South Carolina - Carolinas Assn. for Passenger Trains
Ohio ARP
Oklahoma Passenger Rail Association out of service
Oklahoma - Passenger Rail Oklahoma  
Oregon Rail and Transit Advocates
Pennsylvania - Keystone ARP - offline
Tennessee ARP
Texas ARP
Virginia Assn. of Rail Patrons
Washington Association of Railway Passengers
Wisconsin ARP

Other state rail passenger organizations (
Map of other state rail passenger groups

High-speed & corridor organizations
Midwest High-Speed Rail Coalition (Richard Harnish)
National Corridors Initiative

Other advocacy organizations
Friends of Amtrak
American Passenger Rail Coalition

Other passenger rail-related links

On-Track Online's extensive listings

Passenger rail-related information and links

News updates on passenger rail:
Breaking NARP rail passenger news hotline


Discuss Passenger Rail Issues More than 2,000 people subscribe to this announcement-only news group. Volunteer Craig O'Connell provides subscribers periodic updates on Amtrak legislation and news designed to
mobilize passenger rail advocates to support continued funding for Amtrak.




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Resources for rail passenger advocates