One man aware of the
interest in railroads was Byron Kilbourn, who was one of the three men who
virtually owned Milwaukee in the mid-1830�s. Kilbourn had settled there in
1835 after having worked the preceding year in surveying the territory.
Earlier he had been an engineer on some canal building projects. Kilbourn,
an important and well-educated man for that time, was the son of an Ohio
congressman and the son-in-law of John Fitch, an early inventor of the
As Kilbourn and his
associates looked over the need for better transportation to serve a
rapidly developing
region, they first thought in terms of building a canal between Milwaukee
and the Rock River. Some surveying was done and about two miles of canal
were dug before the whole idea was abandoned.
The earliest proposals to
build railroads in the territory came in 1836, the year the territory was
organized. In its 12 years of existence, the territorial government
chartered several railroads, only one of which was ever built. A committee
of Milwaukee citizens, including Kilbourn and some others who also were
involved in the canal proposal, had been formed in 1836 to propose a
railroad, this being the one that eventually was built.
Kilbourn and his associates,
after dropping the idea of the canal, then obtained a charter in 1847 that
granted them rights to build a railroad over the 20 miles between
Milwaukee and Waukesha. Later the charter was amended so that the railroad
could be extended to the Mississippi River. On May 19, 1849, Kilbourn was
elected president of the railroad company, which had authorized capital of
$100,000. It first was named the Milwaukee & Waukesha Railroad Company,
then in 1850 the name was changed to the Milwaukee & Mississippi Railroad
Byron Kilbourn |