But despite booming
population, rapidly growing volume of crops, huge amounts of lead mined
and increasing size of cities, territorial transportation was almost
literally still in the Dark Ages. Shipping or traveling was by lake or
river routes, over mud roads not much better than forest trails, on a few
plank roads or military roads�and all of these were generally unusable
during parts of the year.
The moving of freight was
slow, irregular, very expensive and sometimes hazardous under these
conditions. Existing transportation frequently couldn�t handle the volume
of shipping.
During this time, the cities
were beginning their growth, and beginning to compete to see which would
have the largest share of industry, commerce, shipping and trade. It was
already clear that the city with the best transportation would grow
fastest. The two earliest cities were Prairie du Chien and Green Bay. Then
Milwaukee began to boom, its population starting to grow from 1835 onward,
reaching about 10,000 people in 1845, and then almost unbelievably jumping
from 21,000 to 46,000 from 1850 to 1851.
People had begun to think in
terms of railroads even by the early 1830�s, despite the prominence of
canal-building in that era, and even though the country�s first locomotive
had run a few years before, in 1825.
By 1830, the United States
had only 23 miles of railroad track; it was to have 2,800 miles by 1840
and about 9,000 miles of track by 1850.
before the
begins to grow |