This website is greatly indebted to the following individuals who have
been kind enough to answer questions and provide photographs and information. Many others
have provided small amouts of help as well, and I've attempted to list everyone here, but I'm
sure I've missed a few. If I've missed you, contact me and I'll be glad to add your name here.
Without everyone's help, this website would have been impossible to create. I'd like to offer
my sincere thanks to each of you.
Ken Ardinger
Provided pictures of EV 6051 under Golden Spike ownership.
Rick Bennett
Provided pictures of EV equipment from the 1990s, and is a frequent companion on Bedford Branch
and H&BTM research trips.
Don Brown
Provided information on the Allegheny Southern RR and his Golden Spike Railroad Services is the
former owner of GP9 6051. As such, he was able to pass along information on the whereabouts of the GP9 between
its CSX ownership and Everett ownership.
Carolyn Carroll
Provided several postcards from her mother's (Barb Miller) collection.
Jim Eschenmann
A frequent contributor to the BB&BRR list, he's provided several scans of photos and Everett brochures
and is a goldmine of information regarding the H&BTM and early years of the Everett.
Steve Gerbracht
Provided information on the 2001 status of the ex-Everett U18Bs.
Ted Gleichman
Permitted me to scan several H&BTM photographs from his collection. Be sure to visit his company,
Bells And Whistles.
Roy Hunt
A former Everett employee, he's provided me with information on Everett 56 as well as information
on many other aspects of the railroad's history.
Bob Johnson
Provided PRR class information on EV/H&BTM 16.
Alan Maples
Owner of the Everett and Holidaysburg & Roaring Spring Railroads. He's passed along information
on virtually every aspect of the railroad, both past and present.
Bud Mickle
Provided 1980s pictures of EV equipment, and has accompanied me on several Everett railfan trips.
James Mischke
Provided information on GP9 6051.
Kevin Moore
Sent several key pieces of excursion literature, ticket scans, and equipment information
dealing with both the Everett and H&BTM. Also sent a history of H&RS 912, a car which he once bid on.
Joe Nale
Provides many updates on the current operations of the Everett. A huge source of information
on the railroad's daily happenings. A fellow Everett fan, he's been collecting data on the railroad since
day one.
Harley O'Neal
Another frequent BB&BRR contributor, he's provided lots of hard-to-find information,
photographs, and documents on the EV and H&BTM.
N.L. Pitsch
Provided roster data and historical information about Everett GP16 1828.
Jay Reed
Provided roster data and historical information about Everett Whitcomb 56.
Kevin Sanders
Corrected location error on picture of Everett 8990 in Martinsburg in the 1980s.
Jeff Slupski
Provided information on EV/Rail Tours coach 10 as well as the Everett's ex-Reading excursion coaches.
Pat Stakem
Provided a history of the Huntingdon And Broad Top Mountain Railroad as a reference point for the Everett's history.
Pete Smith
Provided pictures of Everett 11, and several incredible pieces of excursion literature from the original Everett Railroad.
Joseph Testagrose
Provided color image of Whitcomb #56.
John Taubeneck
Provided roster data and historical information about Everett Whitcomb 56.
Steven Waltman
Provided information regarding the history of H&RS observation 912.
Charles P. Woolever
Provided Everett images from 1993.