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The Everett Railroad Website
The Everett Railroad CompanyOld Everett Logo
Website Updated: 11-28-2002
News Updated: 1-3-2003

Not in any way affiliated with the Everett Railroad Company or any of it's predecessor roads. The site exists solely as a personal effort by the author.

An endeavor like the Everett Railroad Website can never be complete. As soon as one section appears to be finished, another piece of information always pops up. The process of gathering and compiling information can be overwhelming when approached solo; this is why your contributions from others are so strongly encouraged.

If you've photographed the railroads of interest, have paperwork, stories, or even just corrections concerning the information I already have, please let me know. You may contact me via email at kburkey -at- floodcity -dot- net. Many have already helped out!

Here's a list of some of my "Most Wanted" items.

  • Pictures (esp. color) or video of the Everett's freight and passenger operations in Everett between 1954 to the 1980s.
  • Paperwork regarding the Everett's freight operations (both current-day and in Everett).
  • Pictures of Everett locomotives and equipment working for owners before or after the EV.
  • Pictures of the H&BTM's equipment awaiting scrapping in Huntingdon in 1954.
  • Information regarding the scrapping of the H&BTM and the transition from the H&BTM to Everett.
  • Pictures of the Bedford Branch in operation under PRR, PC, or Conrail ownership.
  • Pictures of Mt. Dallas.

An even simpler way of helping would be to join the Blair, Bedford and Broad Top Railroads Yahoo! Group. There, we discuss the current status and history of railroads serving Pennsylvania's Broad Top region as well as Blair and Bedford Counties. Open and friendly discussion on the topics of the Everett Railroad, Huntingdon & Broad Top Mountain Railroad, East Broad Top, Allegheny Southern, Norfolk Southern, Conrail, Penn Central and Pennsylvania Railroad in this region is encouraged. We'd love to have you as a member! To join, just fill out the form below.

Subscribe to the Blair, Bedford and Broad Top Railroads Yahoo! Group.

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All images, documents, information contained within these pages ©2003 Keith Burkey unless otherwise noted. Reproduction or reuse of information found within this website is prohibited unless written consent has been obtained in advance from the author.