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Asmara Station

Asmara Station
There was a time, not that long ago, when all dignitaries arrived at the railway station...even in the US.  I remember seeing President Truman's train when I was a small boy at the Chicago & North Western station in Adams, Wisconsin.  It is about 20 miles from Necedah where I lived from the age nine until about when I went to Asmara.

The above scene is at the Asmara Station. The lady in the Red Cross uniform is Princess Maria José.  She was the wife of the Italian Crown Prince Umberto.  She probably rode up from Massawa on the Governor's car. Le Ferrovie Coloniali Italiane has a table that shows one car was "Saloncino del Governatore" or the Governor's Salon.  I imagine this car was used for all official dignitaries.

It is a bit of a mystery as to why she is alone...that is without her husband and why she is wearing the Red Cross uniform.  The Prince Umberto visited Italian East Africa anually after 1935 (presumably until 1941). She was the Italian Queen for a month in 1946.  Then, they were deposed by referendum.  I have read where they were deported to Portugal.  I believe 'deported' is a little strong word.  From what I understand, they were asked to leave, but not ordered to.

Renato provided me with a bunch of information about the House of Savoy.  I have found a few Websites.  If anyone is interested, write me and I will make a small Maria Jose page.

Photograph courtesy Renato Gaudio
I remember the station as having a passenger shed out to the tracks.  This may or may not be true. The crowd on both Renato's Francesco Quaglio's picture from 1939 also shows the diverse collection I remember.

Photo courtesy of Francesco Quaglio dated September 21, 1939.

Hans van der Splinter©1999
This picture of Asmara Station from the street side was taken in 1999 by Hans van der Splinter.  I remember the archway in the foreground quite clearly.  It may have been my memories of standing in this archway which has been crossed with a covered platform.  Hans also supplied the picture below which shows there is an addition on each end when compared to Renato's picture.

Jerry Pry has a good map of Asmara.

 The train station is at #17 on that map.  The Shop and yards are nearby.



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