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DHVM: History of the D&H - PA's Return

PA's Return

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16 18 Parts Other Doyle

Delaware and Hudson Railway
The Return of the PA Engines #16 & #18

    Out of just dumb plain luck I learned that two of the four D&H PA's that had been long since sold and sent to Mexico had been purchased and are being sent back for restoration.  To add to that luck I just happen to be working as a Oracle Consultant and assigned to a project in Phoenix AZ at the exact same time these engine were sitting in the BNSF Mobest Yard.  Thanks to the understanding of the Yard Master I was able to gain access within the yard to take photographs with my old camera.  Through other railfans I was able to track as well as gain their photographs of this historic trip from Mexico to Albany, OR where Doyle now does his magic.  It's somewhat ironic that while they served as the crown jewel of the D&H Passenger Service they operated out of Albany, NY and now call Albany, OR home literally on opposite sides of the continental United States.

PA's Return Images Notes
#16 36

Is planned to be made into a Smithsonian Institute display back in SF colors 

#18 40

Being rebuilt by Doyle McCormack as Nickel Plate Road #190 (See Link)

Parts 8

Scratch building at the ultimate scale; using BC Rail parts, etc.

Other 11

Misc. Photographs & The "Arrival" at Albany OR for Doyle to start his work.

Doyle 175 Doyle McCormack's Refit of D&H#18 into NKP#190
January 22, 2000
Last Updated:
December 26, 2006
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