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Delaware and Hudson Virtual Museum (DHVM)
A pictorial history of The Delaware and Hudson Canal Company (D&H CC) & Delaware and Hudson Railroad (D&H RR)

    This site would not be what it is today if it was not for the several contributors (listed in the ABOUT section) that have supplied images of the various historical facets of the Delaware and Hudson.  As each day goes by though, more and more pieces of this rich history are lost forever to time.  It is with this knowledge that this site is always looking to add more images & information to be as complete as possible.  As you will read within the ABOUT section, the person (me) that maintains this site lives hundreds of miles from where the D&H operated so I need help from other D&H rail fans such as yourself to fill in the missing pieces.

    The below list are of those images I most hope to obtain just because I know these images will fill in known gaps that would best advance this site and help those that use it for historical research.  Mainly I can only hope that these images exist in family photo albums, or historical records passed down over generations given that without this they are truly gone.  Others wanted that may not be listed are those still obtainable today but I need someone to take a photograph and send a scanned image to keep the site current.  Keep in mind this is a huge daunting list but is no where near complete so if you have something not listed does not mean they are not wanted, those below are what is needed to fill in major known holes.

Railroad - Canal

Anything Helpful:

Locks Aqueducts Canal Boats
Railroad - Gravity

Anything Helpful:

Engines Passenger/Coal Cars MOW Cars Depots/Plains
Railroad - Steam

Early (D&H CC)

Have #36, 41, & 78 * * *


3 7 * *


16 * * *


20 21 * *


14 * * *


101 * * *


139 * * *


23 through 29 * * *


30 32 through 45 48 through 50 52 through 56


83 through 87 * * *


91 93 through 99 * *


151 153 through 157 161 through 162 164


135 * * *


61 63 65 75


91 93 101 110 through 112


139 142 145 *


58-60 66 through 67 70 72


119 121 through 123 179 *


117 * * *


501 through 507 557through 561 * *


521 524 * *


534 through 549 through 559  590 through 594 599


700 through 701 * * *


702 703 * *


705 through 711 * * *


712 through 737 * * *


739 through 752 754 757 through 758 760 through 764


765 767 through 785 * *


786 through 802 * * *

E-3a (First Listing)

804 through 902 * * *

E-3a (38)

786 788 795 885

E-3a (40)

789 797 800 831 through 832


846 849 854 857


864 849 854 857


864 through 865 868 873 876


879 880 895 900

E-3a (42)

897 901 * *

E-3a (45)

802 * * *

E-3a (48)

801 803 805 807 through


817 through 823 826 through 827 * *

E-3a (51)

905 907-9 910 913-917


919 929 931 943
- 951 955 957 *


1000 through 1006 * * *


1007 through 1008 1011 through 1012 1015 through 1017 1019 through 1030


1032 through 1035 1038 through 1040 1043 through 1058 1063


1066 through 1067 1069 through 1081 1083 through 1086 1088 through 1089


1093 through 1094 1096 * *


1112 through 1113 1115 1118 through 1119 1121


1200 1204 1210 1218


397 * * *


422 through 426 * * *


374 through 377 379 through 381 387 *


391 through 393 * * *


388 through 390 * * *


432 through 435 * * *


427 through 428 437 * *


438 through 439 441 * *


442 444 448 through 450 452


454 through 455 457 * *


1602 through 1603 1605 through 1606 1609 *


1500 through 1501  * * *


1500 through 1502 1504 1506 through 1509 1515 through 1516


1518 1520 1522 through 1529 1531 through 1532


1534 1536 through 1537 1539 *


301-307 311 313 *


602 608 * *


653 * * *


Albany & Susquehanna

1 through 2 4 through 25 * *

Saratoga & Schenectady

Anything Helpful * * *

Rensselaer & Saratoga

Anything Helpful * * *

Albany & Northern
Albany, Vermont & Canada
Albany & Vermont

Anything Helpful * * *

Saratoga& Washington
Saratoga & Whitehall
Rutland & Whitehall

Anything Helpful * * *

Troy & Rutland
Rutland & Washington

Have #132 Only * * *


Anything Helpful * * *

Crown Point Iron

Anything Helpful * * *

Chateaugay Ore & Iron

Anything Helpful * * *
Railroad - Diesel


200 203 205 207 through 211


213 216 through 218 221 *


4002 4007 4009 4010


4013 4016 4019 4021


4024 4050 4051 4123


1536 4027 through 4031 4034 through 4035 4037 through 4038


4040 4042 4044 through 4046 4080


4052 through 4053 4057 4060 4062 through 4063


4067 4069 through 4070 4073 4077


4079 4081 through 4084 4086 through 4087 4089 through 4092


4095 4097 4101 through 4102 4106


4108 through 4109 4111 4114 4117


4119 4121 through 4122 4125 through 4126 *


3000 3002 through 3012 3014 through 3020 3022


3024 3026 3028 through 3029 3031 through 3032


3034 through 3036 3038 3040 through 3044 3046 through 3049


303 305 308 314 through 315


704 * * *


115 * * *
Railroad - Freight

Any Number:

Box Flat Gondola Hopper


Platform Produce Refrigerator Stock


Tank * * *
Railroad - Passenger
Baggage * 53 * *


401 through 443 447 through 481 483 through 499 *

Baggage Mail

700 through 702 704 through 707 709 through 722 *

Postal Cars

75? 751 752 *


101 through 104 105 through 112 539 through 543 545


21 23 through 25 32 through 33 201


203 205 208 through 252 254 through 282


11 through 13 287 through 299 320 through 343 119


161 through 166 177 179 187


189 191 194 197


1001 1010 1012 1014


1549 2183 * *


9561 9562 * *


42 151 153 161 through 162


600 through 608 * * *


199 400 50 500 (1886)


650 through 652 * * *


800 through 847 * * *
Railroad - Caboose
D&H Canal Co. 10 * * *
Napierville Junction 33 34 36 37


38 39 40 *

D&H Railroad

34714 35626 35752 35760


35778 35789 35791 *


35801 35804 35806 35810


35817 35818 35819 35823


35824 35830 35838 35842


35843 35845 35845R 35852


35855 35857 35859 35865


35886 35887 35894 35902


35905 35909 35912 35916


35917 35921 35922 35928


35932 35959 35960 35961


35962 35974 35981 35985


37009 39156 * *
Railroad - MOW
Cranes: 30015 30016 30018 30019


30020 * * *
Flanger 36006 * * *
Jordan Spreader: 35054 * 35056 35057
Other 1 2 3 700


30043 30054 30081 30084


30097 30105 30111 30116


30117 31052 32005 32042


32068 32141 32151 32160


32175 34303 34368 34399


35000 35001 35028 35039


35042 35043 35044 35045


35048 35071 35200 35214


35211 35212 35215 35222


35243 35255 35291 35324


* 35424 35454 35465


35466 35505 35511 35991


35993 36050 36051 36052


36053 36056 36057 36058


36059 38004 38028 39041
Depots:  (See the DEPOT section under STRUCTURES for the exact building being sought most)
In many cases there are already images of those that still exist today but not of those that proceeded it and since razed.  Still all images welcome.
Albany Alplaus Altamont Archbald Avoca
Bainbridge Baldwin Ballston Lake Ballston Spa Barnerville
Beekmantown Binghamton Bloomingdale Bluff Point Cadyville
Cemetery Center Village Central Bridge Chazy Chazy Lake
Clemons Cliff Haven Cobleskill Cohoes Colliers
Colonie Comstock Coons Cooperstown Cooperstown Junction
Cooperville Crown Point Canaan Carbondale Center Rutland
Dannemora Delanson Delmar Douglas Dresden
Duanesburgh Dickson Eagle Bridge East Windsor East Worcester
Elsmere Esperance Essex Font Grove Fort Ann
Fort Edward Fort Ticonderoga Farview Fortenia Fair Haven
Gansevoort Glens Falls Granville Green Island Green Ridge
Harkness Harpursville Hartwick Seminary Howe's Cave Hudson Falls
Hyndsville Honesdale Hydeville Johnsonville Jermyn
Jessup-Peckville Kelly's Keene Lake George Lake Placid
Laphams Mills Loon Lake Lyon Mountain Laflin Lanesboro
Meadowdale Mechanicville Menands Middle Granville Montcalm Landing
Morrisonville Mayfield Miners Mills Minooka-Taylor Moosic
Nineveh North Creek Oneonta Olyphant Phoenix Mills
Plattsburg Port Crane Port Henry Port Kent Portlandville
Putnam Parsons Pittston Prompton Providence
Poultney Rexleigh Richmondville Riverside Round Lake
Rouses Point Russia Rutland Saranac Lake Saratoga Springs
Schenectady Schoharie Junction Shushan Sidney Slingerlands
Smith's Basin South Schenectady Standish Scranton Seeleyville
South Scranton Steene The Glen Ticonderoga Troy
Tunnel Unadilla Ushers Valcour Voorheesville
Wadhams Warrensburgh Waterford Watervliet Wells Bridge
West Chazy West Waterford Whallonsburg Whitehall Wrights
Waymart Wilkes-Barre Winton West Pawlet West Rutland
Yatesville * * * EVERYTHING CANADA
Steamship / Steamboat / Side-wheeler of Lake George and Lake Champlain
Franklin Washington Winooski Burlington Whitehall
Saranac Boston Ethan Allen America (R. W. Sherman) Canada
Montreal A. Williams Vermont (III) John Jay Ganouskie
Ticonderoga (I) Mohican Minne-Ha-Ha (II) Lac du Saint Sacrement



January 22, 2000
Last Updated:
December 26, 2006
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