This would be my 2nd Social Event for Members of the
California State
Railroad Museum, the first being the 20th Annual Trainmaster's
and I'm very impressed by what this orginization does for its
One reason why I'm impressed by the California State Railroad Museum is
Barry Howard & Associates
designed the entire California State Railroad Museum Visitor Experience
and the Master Plan for the future Museum of Railroad Technology (an
extension of the CSRM to be built in the old Southern Pacific Shop
Barry also designed the Freedom Train Visitor Experience, the Steamtown
National Historic Site, the Hoover Dam Visitor Center, the National
Cemeteries Visitor Center, the Cascade Locks Interpretive Center, the
Mt. St.
Helens Visitor Center, Red Rock Canyon Visitor Center, the Hollywood
Entertainment Museum, the National Auto Musuem plus about 80 World's
Fair Pavilions. You can see the complete list of museums and
exhibitions he has designed at
The Silver Rails Resort, to
be built in La Plata (Northeast) Missouri, was also designed by Barry
Howard. His conceptual drawing is located at
This is a project you can watch develop. You can see a couple of
the components that are already in place by staying in the
Depot Inn & Suites in La
Plata, MO, and, while there, taking in an event at the Silver Rails
Event Center.