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All material copyright © 1999-2005, Alex Stroshane.

This site was designed using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. All HTML and CSS coding was done by hand using Windows Notepad.

Note: this website is not affiliated with Amtrak, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation. Visit for more information.

Webmaster, photographer, modeler and artist, Alex grew up in Boston, MA with a love of trains in general, but a specific interest in models and all types of passenger service. A developing fascination with computer graphics led to the creation of this site in 1999. Initially it served only to showcase a collection of train gif images, but since then it has grown to include photo galleries and valuable information. Alex is currently attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY, which may be the ultimate school for a model railroader, and is majoring in interdisciplinary product design. Regretfully, many projects - including this website - must take a back seat to schoolwork, but we all know where a railfan's priorities truly lie!

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