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Altoona Railway Musuem Club: PRR K-4s #1361 Restoration Photos



The PRR K-4s #1361

 Steam Locomotive Restoration Project

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(This site is provided as a courtesy of the Altoona Railway Museum Club)


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Project Summary (by Brian J. Behe)......Continued from Page 7

Steamdome and Boiler Bracket Rivets

We Began riveting steamdome August 25, 2001 and finished September 15, 2001.   Volunteers Tim Barney, Joe Boshek, Walter Elvidge and Wayne Laepple assisted in riveting the steamdome.

R-1.jpg (45490 bytes) Twenty-three rivet section in boiler patch in front of steam dome. (Volunteers Gary Creighton, Walter Elvidge, Wayne Laepple, and Joe Boshek assisted in riveting June 9 – 16, 2001.)

 Began 6/9/01.  Finished 6/16/01.  Trimmed and caulked rivets on   6/17-18/01.

R-2.jpg (44965 bytes) Forty-seven rivet section of rivets along top-front of firebox.

 (Volunteers Wayne Laepple, Walter Elvidge, Joe Boshek, Dennis Daugherty, Mike Kubiak and Dave Cross assisted in riveting June 15 – July 15, 2001.)

R-3.jpg (36861 bytes)  Steamdome returned to top of boiler for positioning, drilling and reaming of rivet holes.

Steamdome returned to top of boiler 6/14/01.  Began Drilling/reaming on 6/20/01

R-4.jpg (33751 bytes) Boiler patch with ninety-eight holes drilled and reamed for the steamdome. (outside/front) 6/20/01 - 8/9/01
R-5.jpg (45865 bytes) Boiler patch with ninety-eight holes drilled and reamed for the steamdome. (inside/rear ) 6/20/01 - 8/9/01

no photo available

Began drilling ¼” holes June 26, 2001 and finished reaming holes to size on July 31, 2001. (Volunteers Walter Elvidge, Barry Claar and Mike Boehly assisted with reaming.)
R-8.jpg (45757 bytes) Steamdome/rivets for boiler braces.  10/29-30/01 11-01_26.jpg (37304 bytes) November 2001 (C. Behe)


Boiler brace brackets were mounted September 25, 2001 and riveted October 29 and 30, 2001. (Volunteer Gary Creighton assisted with riveting.)

R-6.jpg (47689 bytes) Boiler Braces (right side).  Riveted 10/29/-10/30/01 R-7.jpg (47186 bytes) Boiler Braces (left side).  Riveted 10/29-30/01


The Tender


t3.jpg (39927 bytes) Tender truck 5-01_19.jpg (30598 bytes) Tender truck  May 2001 (C. Behe)
t4.jpg (32342 bytes) Close up of tender truck with bolster removed.  June 5-6, 2001 t5.jpg (39641 bytes) Springs removed from bolsters and bolsters (right side of photo) from the tender trucks.   (Springs and bolsters removed from tender trucks by volunteers Mike Kubiak and Dave Cross, June 5 – 6, 2001)
t6.jpg (58594 bytes) Volunteers Dave Cross (left) and Mike Kubiak removing couplers from tender frame. (June 6, 2001) t7.jpg (43168 bytes) Front of tender frame built up with weld and ground smooth.   (Volunteers Adam Counterman and Gary Creighton assisted in the welding and grinding of the front of the tender frame respectively.)   (October 10 – November 1, 2001)
5-01_13.jpg (32157 bytes) Water scoop on bottom of tender frame.  May 2001 (C. Behe) 5-01_12.jpg (31421 bytes) Close up of water scoop on bottom of tender frame. Note rust damage. May 2001 (C. Behe)
t1.jpg (36485 bytes) Tender frame (front) t2.jpg (45811 bytes) Tender frame (rear)


a1.jpg (35447 bytes) Smokebox with smokestack hole visible. a2.jpg (28517 bytes) Close up of headlight mount holes in front of smokestack hole on smokebox.


Handrails & Running Board Brackets

a5.jpg (45426 bytes) Close ups of front left running board brackets. (Volunteer Tim Barney assisted in reaming holes for running board brackets and in mounting running board brackets on August 24 – 25, 2001.) a6.jpg (46271 bytes) Close ups of front right running board brackets. (Volunteer Tim Barney assisted in reaming holes for running board brackets and in mounting running board brackets on August 24 – 25, 2001.)
a4.jpg (44715 bytes) Front of locomotive with headlight bracket, handrails and front running board brackets visible. (Volunteer Gary Creighton assisted in reaming holes for handrails and in mounting handrails on August 23 – 24, 2001) 11-01_22.jpg (42732 bytes) Left side of locomotive with boiler appliances:   running board brackets and boiler steps. (Running board brackets mounted September 24, 2001) 

 (November 2001 C. Behe)

11-01_34.jpg (41161 bytes) Right side of locomotive with running board brackets visible. (Running board brackets mounted September 24, 2001.) 11-01_24.jpg (47834 bytes) Left front side of locomotive with , handrails visible. November 2001 (C. Behe)
11-01_25.jpg (60778 bytes) Left side of locomotive with boiler appliances:   running board brackets and boiler steps. (Running board brackets mounted September 24, 2001)      


Trailing Truck

5-01_21.jpg (32356 bytes) Trailing Truck wheels/axle (left) and tender truck (right).  (May 2001; C. Behe) M-6.jpg (41899 bytes) Brake cylinder on trailing truck. (Polished October 16, 2001)
5-01_16.jpg (21852 bytes) Trailing truck with wheels in background.  (May 2001; C. Behe) 5-01_15.jpg (34668 bytes) Close up of Trailing Truck frame.  (May 2001; C. Behe)
M-1.jpg (35316 bytes) Trailing truck with wheels in background on right.    


Waist Sheets

Waist sheets #4 and 5. (Volunteer Gary Creighton assisted in hanging waist sheets.    Volunteer Walter Elvidge assisted in machining tapered bolts for waist sheets.)    (July 17 – August 6, 2001)

M-2.jpg (42930 bytes) Waist sheets #4 and 5.   7/16/01

  Tapered bolts attaching waist sheets to frame.

M-3.jpg (40230 bytes) Driven bolts attaching waist sheets to frame.  7/16/01



Washout located on left front corner of firebox. (October 1 – 3, 2001)

M-4.jpg (31340 bytes) Washout located on left front corner of firebox. (October 1 – 3, 2001)

  Locomotive brake cylinders. (Polished October 3 – 16, 2001)

M-5.jpg (41077 bytes) Locomotive brake cylinders. (Polished October 3 – 16, 2001)

Close-up of piston cylinders on locomotive (Polished November 27 – 28, 2001)

M-7.jpg (45564 bytes) Piston cylinder (left) on locomotive.   (Polished November 27 – 28, 2001) M-8.jpg (41060 bytes) Piston cylinder (right) on locomotive.

 (Polished 11/ 27 – 28/2001)

11-01_30.jpg (44593 bytes) Close-up of piston cylinder.  (November 2001; C. Behe) 5-01_7.jpg (34087 bytes) Ash Pan  (May 2001; C. Behe)




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Stay tuned for additional photographs of the PRR K-4s #1361 Restoration!!


(Railfest is a trademark of Railroaders Memorial Museum, Inc. 
The logos for the Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum is a trademark of the Railroaders Memorial Museum, Inc. 
Photographs are by Brian J. Behe unless otherwise noted)