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1924 Baldwin 0-4-0 "Viscose Company" #6


Builder: Baldwin Locomotive Works
Construction Number: 57994
Built: September 1924
Cylinders: 14 inch by 22 inch
Operating Pressure: 180psi
Tractive Effort: 17,360 pounds
Engine Weight: 60,000pounds

Locomotive History

Built for American Viscose Company, Roanoke, Virginia.
In the early 1960's it was sold to the Gem City Iron & Metal Company, Pulaski, Virgina.
In September, 2004, it was purchased by Scott Symans of Dunkirk, New York
September 2004 - June 2007, completely restored to operating condition by Scott Symans.

         - Engine totally disassembled
         - Complete new steel cab
         - New Smoke box
         - Addition modifications to meet FRA regulations
         - All funding and work was accomplished without group support by Scott and friends

         Viscose Company #6 has been operated on the New York & Lake Erie Railroad out of Gowanda, New York on several occasions.

         It has also been operated on the Lorain & West Virgina Railway in Wellington, Ohio.

         Owner, Scott Symans hopes many more generations will have the opportunity to learn about and enjoy steam railroading through the operation of his locomotive. He and #6 would be glad to visit other tourist railroads and museums for special steam events. Not only would the staff and volunteers of these host organizations get to work with and enjoy a fully operational steam locomotive, they would also be able to provide a unique experience for their interested public.

         For more information about inviting #6 to visit your organization you may contact Scott Symans at (716) 366-7696 or

         The Western New York Railway Society wishes to thank Scott for bringing his engine to our AgriCenter Show and for all the positive response and interest it brought to our show.

"Viscose Co. #6 at the 26th Annual Train Show

Viscose #6 arrives at the AgriCenter. ©2007 Steve Kocsis - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K) Scott Symans locates the engine on the show floor. ©2007 Steve Kocsis - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K) The Fifth Wheel of the trailer is disconnected and the trailer lowered to the floor. ©2007 Steve Kocsis - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K) The of loading rails are attacted to the ones on the trailer. ©2007 Steve Kocsis - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K)
The locomotive is now ready to be pulled by a winch onto the display rails. ©2007 Steve Kocsis - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K) #6 is gently pulled down the ramp. ©2007 Steve Kocsis - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K) Three quarter firemans side. ©2007 smph50 - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K) Builders photo of firemans side. ©2007 smph50 - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K)
Full front view. ©2007 smph50 - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K) Three quater view engineers side. ©2007 smph50 - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K) Beside a Nathan 5 Chime whistle, #6 sports a Leslie 2M set of Air Horns. ©2007 smph50 - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K) Firemans side of the cab. ©2007 smph50 - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K)
Engineers side of cab. ©2007 smph50 - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K) Smokebox view of builders plate. ©2007 smph50 - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K) #6 leaving the AgriCenter Sunday evening. ©2007 Steve Kocsis - Click to Enlarge (10K)-(70K)

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