Wisconsin Trolleys Images Q-Z
Here are several images of streetcars and interurbans from various Wisconsin communities from Q-Z. Most are from period postcards, which are the only images of these early cars. Because color photography wasn't available in the early days, the color ones were hand painted to make them more attractive for sale. Note the earliest ones had the messages written on the front, not the backside. Some have been cropped to eliminate the message portion and highlight the image.
Racine - Hotel Racine Racine - Early MRK - TMER&L Station Racine - TMER&L Station
Racine - TMER&L Monument Square Racine - TMER&L Sixth Street Racine - West Blvd.
Racine - Early North Shore Line Station Racine - Later North Shore Line Station Rochester - Early TMER&L
Sheboygan - Eighth & Michigan Sheboygan - Passing Early Station Sheboygan - Eighth Street
Sheboygan - Early Streetcar Sheboygan - Early Interurban Sheboygan Line - Pine Grove
Sheboygan Falls - Downtown Sheboygan Falls Junction South Milwaukee - TMER&L Station
3 views - St. Martin's - TMER&L Passenger Station and Substation
Superior - Hotel Superior Superior - Tower Ave. Thiensville - Early Milwaukee Northern Station
Thiensville - Later TMER&L Station Thiensville - TMER&L Station Walworth - Walworth Inn
Waterford - TMER&L Station Waterford - TMER&L Station Watertown - Fountain On Main Street
Watertown - Main Street By River Watertown - TMER&L Station Waukesha - Early TMER&L Interurban
Waukesha - TMER&L Station Waukesha Beach Railway at C&NW Station Waukesha Beach - TMER&L Interurbans
Waukesha Beach - Substation & Pass Station Waukesha - Near Summit & Moreland Waupaca - Open Car
Waupaca - In Snow Wausau - 4th Street Opera House Wausau - Rothschild Park
Wausau - Rothschild Park Wisconsin Rapids - First Interurban Wisconsin Rapids - Interurban