Wisconsin Trolley Images - K-P
Here are images of streetcars and interurbans from various Wisconsin communities from K-P. Many are from period postcards, which are the only images of these early cars. Because color photography wasn't available in the early days, the color ones were hand painted to make them more attractive for sale. Note the earliest ones had the messages written on the front, not the backside. Some have been cropped to eliminate the message portion and highlight the image.
Kaukana - Lowe Street Kenosha - Market Square Kenosha
Kenosha - Public Square Kenosha - Streetcar Meets MRK Interurban Kenosha - Early North Shore Line Station
Kenosha - North Shore Line Station Kenosha - TMER&L Station Kenosha - TMER&L Station
Kenosha - Lead to Bridge Over Sheridan Rd. Kenosha - Bridge Over Sheridan Rd. LaCrosse - Main Street
Madison - At Carbarn Madison - Car With Ads Madison - Early Open Car
Madison - Trust Bank Manitowoc - Streetcar On Eight Street Manitowoc & Two Rivers Interurban
Manitowoc & Two Rivers Pass On Line Marienette - Dunlop Square Marienette - Dunlop Square
Marienette - Hotel Marienette Marienette - Main Street Marienette - Along The Beach
Merrill - Early Streetcar Merrill - One Of The First Trackless Trolleys Milwaukee - Solvay Coke Co.
Milwaukee - Solvay Coke Co. Mukwonago - TMER&L Station Mukwonago - Former TMER&L Station
Mukwonago - early Rolling Mill Muskego - Early Station Pioneer Rd. Neenah
Neenah - Wisconsin Ave. Neenah - Streetcar At Park Neenah - Wisconsin Ave.
Nekoosa - Along The Line Oconomowoc - TMER&L Station Oconomowoc - TMER&L Freight Station
Omro- Interurban Omro - Street Scene Omro - Water Street
Oshkosh - Main Street Oshkosh - New Streetcars Oshkosh - Main Street
Oshkosh - Main Street Oshkosh - Snow Plow On Line Plymouth - Mill Street
Plymouth - Mill Street Plymouth - Station Port Edwards - Interurban
Port Washington - MN/TMER&L Port Washington - MN/TMER&L Port Washington - TMER&L Grand St.
Portage - Cook Street Portage - Two Cars Meet Portage - Cook Street