Locomotion in the 21st
The Recent
History of Steam Locomotive
Ing. L. D. Porta
1922 - 2003
"Never Give Up!"
updated 3
April 2023
Although commercial steam
locomotive development ended
about 1950, at least one man
realized that the steam
locomotives built up to that
time did not reflect the maximum
that could be achieved with
steam power.
Ing. Livio Dante Porta was a
colleague and student of
Chapelon, who continued to
advance steam locomotive
design from the 1940's until
his death in 2003. Ing.
Porta's single best-known
innovation is the Gas
Producer Combustion System
(GPCS). A relatively simple
modification to any
solid-fueled steamer, the GPCS
nevertheless greatly improves
boiler efficiency, eliminates
spark throwing and smoke, and
greatly reduces boiler
maintenance. Other major
innovations developed by Porta
include the Kylpor and Lempor
exhaust systems. These exhaust
systems are backed up by
detailed theories which
explain their application and
design based on proven
thermodynamic principles.
Porta continued and refined
Chapelon's practice of
applying rigorous engineering
analysis to steam locomotive
design- as opposed to the
"trial and error" approach so
often used by many earlier
steam designers.
Throughout his career, Porta
regularly wrote extensive
technical papers on every
facet of steam locomotive
design and operation. A link
to a page listing all known
papers written by Ing. Porta
is included at the bottom of
this page.
Follow this link
for an explanation of how the
GPCS Works: The Gas
Producer Combustion System

First Project Engine Argentina
the collection of Juan
Carlos Gonzalez
in 1922 in
Argentina, Porta was
involved with
railway operations
at an early age.
After graduating
from college with a
degree in Civil
Engineering, in 1948
Porta performed his
first locomotive
conversion on a
meter gauge 4-6-2.
He modified the
locomotive to a
fully streamlined
4-8-0 wheel
arrangement (shown
above), added
compound cylinders,
higher superheat,
re-heat between the
high pressure and
low pressure
cylinders, an early
form of the GPCS, a
Kylchap exhaust
system and other
advancements. Major
components were
fabricated using
welded mild steel
reducing fabrication
difficulty compared
to pouring large
castings. While the
engine was a great
success, track
conditions in
Argentina were not
really suited for it
and it saw limited
use. However, it
clearly showed that
Porta knew what he
was doing and he was
soon commissioned to
modifications to
other engines.

slogan chalked
on the side)
from the Richard
courtesy of
Roberto Yommi
His next project
in the early
1950's was the
modernization of a
fleet of 2-6-2T's
used in commuter
service. With
relatively minor
modifications, he
increased the
output of these
These engines
appear to be his
first application
of the Lempor
exhaust system,
one of his most
innovations. The
function and
design of the
Lempor Ejector is
described in
Porta's paper Theory of the Lempor Ejector as Applied to
Produce Draught
in Steam
written in 1974.
In addition to its
configuration, the
performance of
this device was as
much due to the
theory which
allowed the device
to be designed to
be optimally sized
for a given

Diagram of Lempor
Porta later more-extensively
modified one of these commuter
engines, enabling it to
outperform far larger 4-6-2's
in passenger service.
Unfortunately, the diesel was
already making inroads in
Argentina and no further
locomotives were modernized.
About this time (1957), Porta
was given the opportunity to
take over the coal-hauling Rio
Turbio Railway as general
manager. This proved to be a
fertile ground for Porta's
Porta and crew in front of 2-10-2 # 110
"Santa Cruz"
(around 1960)
photo from the Richard
Campbell collection
courtesy of Roberto Yommi
These 2' 5-1/2" gauge 2-10-2's
were built in the 50's and
1960's by Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries of Japan for service
on the Rio Turbio Railway in
Argentina, at the southern tip
of South America. The first
batch of engines, present when
Porta arrived, proved highly
capable and quickly displaced
older 2-8-2's. However, Porta
soon set about the systematic
modification of these engines to
improve their efficiency, power,
and availability. So successful
were these modifications that
when additional engines were
ordered in the 1960's, these
refinements and others were
incorporated in their
construction. As a result of
these developments, the Rio
Turbio 2-10-2's were one of the
most efficient groups of steam
locomotives ever operated. Tests
document that the engines
routinely achieved 12%
efficiency, nearly equaling
Chapelon's famed 4-8-0's, and
could attain up to 15%
efficiency under controlled
conditions. Furthermore, their
routine day-to-day efficiency,
including idle time, was much
higher than that attained by
previous engines. Read more
about these locomotives here: Steam
Locomotives of the RFIRT.
photo by Ron Johnson
These engines feature gas
producer fireboxes, Kylpor
exhaust systems, and massive
6-axle tenders which contain
mostly coal. Auxiliary tenders
provide ample water capacity for
extended runs. Aside from the
major modifications to these
engines, Porta developed
numerous detail design
improvements on these engines.

4-6-2 #4674
photo from
the Richard
Campbell collection
courtesy of Roberto Yommi
4-6-2 #4674 was a project to
show that the plentiful
low-grade coal from the mines
at Rio Turbio could be used in
coal burning locomotives for
all of Argentina. This engine
was originally designed and
built to burn imported
high-BTU Welsh coal (similar
in characteristics to U.S.
Pocahontas coal). Using his
Gas Producer Combustion
System, Porta successfully
converted the engine to
operate on Rio Turbio coal
(very similar to the low-grade
coal burned in the Union
Pacific's locomotives), while
maintaining the same
performance it had achieved
with the original fuel.
Porta achieved his successes
through careful attention to
small details and by the
application of strict
engineering principles to
steam locomotive design. No
single change could produce
dramatic improvements; Porta
applied many small
improvements to areas that had
been ignored before. These
included items such as water
treatment, lubrication,
materials, servicing
techniques, mechanical
fasteners, and others. Not
only was power and efficiency
greatly increased, but
maintenance was greatly
reduced and the operator's
jobs were made easier. After a
few years at the Rio Turbio,
Porta moved back to Buenos
Aires to join the Instituto
Nacional de Tecnologica
Industrial (INTI) where he
became the head of the
thermodynamics department. At
INTI, Porta was able to devote
time to thinking about the
next generation of steam
In 1969, the railways in
Argentina seemed to suffer an
epidemic of water quality
problems, and they asked for
Porta's assistance. 4-8-2 No.
1802 of the Belgrano Railway
was chosen as a test engine,
and Porta developed an
on-board water treatment
system based on the French TIA
system. The water treatment
system was so successful that
it was eventually possible to
operate the engine with boiler
wash-outs only twice in a full
year. The engine was also
modified by Porta with
multiple improvements,
including improved exhaust,
improved valve events, and a
high adhesion tire

Belgrano 4-8-2 #1802 (Baldwin
at LaQuiaca Line in 1971.
photo from
the Richard
Campbell collection
courtesy of Roberto Yommi

4-8-2 #1802
August 1973
Working as the Station Pilot
at the Tucaman Norte Passenger
photo courtesy of
"africansteam" at
In 1969, Porta presented a
detailed technical paper
titled Steam Locomotive
Development in Argentina -
Its Contribution to the
Future of Railway Technology
in the Under-Developed
Countries to the
Institution of Locomotive
Engineers in Great Britain.
This paper discussed Porta's
work on the Rio Turbio
2-10-2's, and provided
detailed results of
performance tests of the
engines and their maintenance
history. Porta also outlined
his concepts for new,
technologically advanced steam
locomotives which would be
suitable for use in
non-industrialized countries.
Already by this time,
diesel-electric locomotives in
less-advanced countries had
begun to show faults. Whereas
steam locomotives could be
routinely abused and
maintained to a large degree
(where necessary) with
sledge-hammers and bailing
wire, diesel locomotives
required precision maintenance
and repair. Expensive repair
parts had to be imported to
cash-strapped third-world
countries to keep diesels
running, while before most
steam repair parts could be
fabricated locally. In some
cases relatively new diesels
were sitting idle while
ancient steamers had to be
pulled out and put back into
service. Porta saw that there
were many cases where steam
power was economically
justifiable and presented his
case for new engines to
accomplish this. Porta's paper
provides a wealth of
information on steam
developments in Argentina,
both by Porta and other
engineers, and provides
insight which is still valid

Proposed 2-12-12-0 for
the Rio Turbio Railway
Porta proposed several new
designs for steam locomotives
for various railway inquiries in
the 1960's and 1970's,
incorporating his principals for
greatly increased efficiency,
reliability, and power. One
proposal was a roller bearing, 3
cylinder compound meter gauge
2-10-0 for Argentina. Before
anyone had heard of ACE, Porta
had laid out a ultra-high
pressure (850 PSIG), 3 cylinder,
triple expansion compound 2-10-0
for U.S. fast freight service.
Bigger engines were considered
for the Rio Turbio to provide
power to move much longer coal
trains. Initially, 2-10-10-2
mallets were proposed, but as
the design was fine-tuned it
evolved into the monster shown
above. These massive 2-12-12-0's
were proposed as replacements
for the 2-10-2's in the 1970's
to allow far heavier trains to
be operated, and a contract to
construct them in Argentinian
shipyards was almost let.
Unfortunately, changed
circumstances killed the
project. Other arrangements were
proposed for new locomotives
even including a massive
Mallet-Garratt, but none of
these ever came to fruition.
Porta's 2-10-2's were doing
the majority of the work on
this remote rail line until
November 1996 when they were
gradually replaced by imported
diesels. For more information
on these engines go here:
Steam Locomotives
of the RFIRT

"Third Generation" 2-10-0
for U.S. Fast Freight
Service (~1978)
By 1980, Porta had developed
a clear philosophy of steam
design based on his over 30
years of work in the field.
Porta's concept was that steam
development could be broken
down into three classes:
1- First Generation Steam
(FGS)- Steam locomotives
which had been previously
built. He viewed the French
designs as being the climax
thermodynamically, while he
considered American engines
the best mechanically. No
engines in existence had ever
incorporated all of
the proven concepts of FGS.
2- Second Generation
Steam (SGS)- Steam
locomotives which could be
built immediately with little
or no research and
development, which would
incorporate and maximize all
proven thermodynamic
principals for improved
performance, plus
state-of-the-art materials,
design methods, and
construction techniques.
3- Third Generation Steam
(TGS)- Steam locomotives
which would incorporate
advanced concepts which would
require significant research
and development, best acquired
through trials on SGS
Porta felt that many existing
steam locomotives could be
significantly improved with
the limits of FGS. He also
believed that SGS locomotives
could successfully compete on
modern railroads, if they were
given modern servicing
facilities (as developed in
the U.S. by the Norfolk &
Western Railway) and if proper
maintenance and operating
techniques were used, which
were equally important to good
In 1980, Porta was called in
by American Coal Enterprises
as the foremost authority on
steam locomotive development.
See the ACE
page for information.
Other steam projects in the
1980's were performed by
Porta. The railways of
Paraguay, which operate a
fleet of wood-burning
locomotives, called him in to
assist in modernizing their
railways. At least one engine
was modified with a GPCS
adapted for wood and other
improvements. Later, Porta
moved on to Brazil to the
famous Donna Teresa Christina
coal-hauling railway. This
railway was famous for its
fleet of U.S. built meter
gauge 2-10-4's. By the early
1980's, the 2-10-4's had worn
out beyond the ability of the
railways to rebuild them, and
European built 2-10-2's were
imported from other parts of
South America. Porta was
called in to see if the smoke
emissions of the line's
locomotives could be reduced.
Naturally, the GPCS was just
the answer to this, and one
2-8-2 and several of the
2-10-2's were so modified.
Unfortunately, demand for coal
from the mines has evidently
declined in recent years and
no further locomotives were
![[Cuban 2-8-0 under
photo by
Gary Bensman
Cuban 2-8-0
No. 1816

No. 1816 after
completion on display at
"Ecovapor 1999"
(David Wardale is seen
inspecting the engine)
photo by
Shaun McMahon
The island nation
of Cuba still has
many steam
locomotives in
service at present.
Most are products of
the United States
dating from the
1900's through the
1930's and the
locomotive shown
above is one of
them. Despite its
age, 2-8-0 No. 1816
is the most advanced
steam locomotive
operating in Cuba. A
product of the
United States'
American Locomotive
Works in 1919, she
was heavily rebuilt
under the
supervision of Ing.
L. D. Porta.
Modified with higher
boiler pressure,
increased superheat,
an advanced drafting
system, a feedwater
heater, supplemental
air compressors, and
other detail
modifications, it
was hoped this
locomotive would be
the prototype for a
steam revival in
Cuba. Initially
equipped for oil
firing, the engine
is to later be
modified with the
GPCS to allow
efficient combustion
of "biomass", such
as baggasse,
the left-over
crushed sugar cane
husks resulting from
sugar production in
Cuba. Other
possibilities for
biomass fuel include
wood, fast-growing
varieties of which
could be grown
specifically for
locomotive fuel.
This would the use
of locally produced
fuel, as opposed to
oil which has to be
imported. No. 1816
was operated
successfully (with
the exception of a
few "teething"
problems) at a
variety of locations
in Cuba since its
construction. Porta
inspected the engine
in June 2001 and
found it in good
condition after two
years of service. As
of 2002, work was
scheduled to begin
to convert the
engine to the GPCS
for the combustion
of biomass, which
was to be carried
out at the mill
where the locomotive
was based. However,
this was never
accomplished, and
steam, like the
sugar industry, is
now mostly dead in
Rob Dickinson's
Working Steam
includes photos of
the 1816 at the
1999 "Ecovapor"
conference at:

The most exciting
news from Cuba was
that a new steam
locomotive, the
LVM 800 class
0-6-2T, shown in
an artist's
concept above, was
designed by Porta
and a team of
consisting of
technicians, and
Production details
were to be worked
out with two Cuban
corporations and
production of the
prototype was
scheduled to begin
in January 2002.
There was even
interest in Cuba
in building larger
new steamers.
Unfortunately, the
chief proponent of
the project within
Cuba died in 2002,
and in 2003, the
sugar industry in
Cuba took a
dramatic downturn
and interest in
new locomotives
In 2002 and 2003,
Porta worked with
other new steam
projects including
a 2-8-2T for the
"Railway to the
Clouds" at Salta,
Argentina and a
small narrow gauge
0-4-0T or 0-4-2T
for tourist
railway service,
among others.
Porta also
regularly assisted
Shaun McMahon with
his work improving
locomotives on the
FCAF in Ushuaia,
Argentina. In
early 2003, Porta
was reported to be
working on
buses for service
in Buenos Aires.
of an Era
When Ing. Porta
passed away on
Tuesday, June 10,
2003, he sadly
left many
promising projects
However, he likely
accomplished more
than almost any
other steam
designer. Porta
and followers of
Porta's work
improved steam
locomotives in
Africa, Australia,
China, New
Zealand, North
America, Poland,
Switzerland, South
America and the
UK. Students of
Porta's efforts
are still at work
in 2022.
obituary at the
Porta biography
at wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livio_Dante_Porta
Listing of the
technical papers
written or
contributed to by
Porta: Porta
Martyn Bane's
webpage has an
excellent section
on Porta: http://www.martynbane.co.uk/
For more
information on the
railways and
locomotives of
Argentina, see:
"El Ferrocarril
en Internet"
written by Sergio
L. Klimovsky at:
Martin Coombs'
"Railways of the
Far South" at http://www.railwaysofthefarsouth.co.uk/