Bibliography of
Porta�s papers
updated 2
February 2022
List originally
compiled by Geoff Lambert. Additions by Hugh Odom
Additional info provided by Shaun McMahon and Martyn
This page provides a listing of all the known
technical papers written or contributed to by Ing. L.
D. Porta on steam locomotives. All papers listed
authored by Ing. L. D. Porta unless otherwise noted.
Several of these papers are available in printed
collections from the Advanced Steam Traction Trust,
including Volume 1- Tribology and Lubrication, Volume
2- Adhesion, Compounding and the Tornado Proposal, and
Volume 3- Steam Locomotive Boilers, Fireboxes and
Steam Traction Trust Book Sales
- Calcul des counterpoids des locomotives
(Calculation of the Counterbalances for Locomotives)
(en Espa�ol), VI Congress Panamericano de
Ferrocarriles, Montevideo, Uruguay, 1945.
- Une methode graphique d'adjustement (A graphical
method of adjustment) (en Espa�ol), unpublished,
- Contribution au perfectionement de l'injecteur a
vapeur d'echappement (en Espa�ol), IX Congresso
Panamericano de Ferrocarriles, Buenos Aires,
- Translation and comment of Tross: Neue Erkentnisse
und Konstruktions Richtlinien auf dem Gebiet des
Lokomotiv Hinterkessels, Glasers Annalen Okt, Nov,
Dec 1951.(The translation from German to English
would be something like: "New insight and
construction guidelines in the area of the
locomotive back boiler, i.e. firebox), unpublished,
- Communication sur la modernisation des locomotives
8C de FCGR Argentine, prototype No 3477 (Rebuilding
of 8C series of the FCGR (Argentina)- paper
submitted to the Pan American Railway Congress,
Buenos Aires, Argentina) , Congresso
Panamericano de Ferrocarriles, Buenos Aires,
- With C. S. Taladriz, Contribucion al
perfectionamento del injector de vapore de escape, IX
Congresso Panamericano de Ferrocarriles,
Buenos Aires, 1957.
- Adhesencia, XII Congress Pan Americano de
Ferrocarriles, Buenos Aires, 1957(?).
- Traduction commentee de l'article de S.Weigelt:
"Betriabserforschungen bei der volkomene inneren
Kesselspeiswasseraufbereitung ? Antischramittle (?)
Diskro: Die Werkstatt No 7 Allegmagne Orientale (en
Anglais), unpublished, 1958.
- Revista de Y.C.F. (Argentina), March 1961.
- Theory of Cyclonic Combustion in Locomotive
Fireboxes (in Spanish). Conferencia del
Combustible en la Industria, Buenos Aires,
- The Locomotive Ejector, Pan American Railway
Congress, 1961.
- Gas producer combustion of wood and charcoal fines
ex-AHZ. Tests on locomotive 4674, FCGB, carried out
for the Argentine Association of Forest Industries,
INTI-CIPUEC document, 1963.
- Teor�a de la Combustion
Ciclonica en hogares de locomotoras, August 1963 (in
- Una locomotora para el futuro, Jornadas
Ferroviarias de Tucuman (1964).
- Une locomotive quasi-ortodoxe a 17% de reudement
thermique (en Espagnol) , Centro de Estudiantes de
Ingeneria de la Universidiad de Buenos Aires, 1964.
- Una locomotora para el futuro, Jornadas
Ferroviarias de Tucaman, Tucaman, Argentina, 1964.
- El sistema de Combustion a la Gasogena, Conferencia
para el Uso Eficiente del Combustible en la
Industria, INTI, Buenos Aires, 1966, pp. 14.
- Combustion Ciclonica (in Spanish), 1966.
- Steam locomotive boiler combustion calculations- a
criticism of the FRY method, unpublished, 1967.
- What can be done with a class 5?, unpublished,
- A note on the boiler efficiency of Rio Turbio
locomotives, unpublished, 1967.
- Locomotive Drifting (in Spanish), Revista de La
Fraternidad, Buenos Aires, 1968.
- Adheherencia, paper submitted before XII
Congress Pan Americano de Ferrocarriles,
Buenos Aires, November, 1968.
- Paper on Non-steady ejector performance, heat
transfer, and WEISS port on two cylinder compound
locomotives, circa 1968 (unpublished).
- Bar frame design proposals to avoid twisting at
the back end and facilitate maintenance,
unpublished, 1969.
- Note on bolted connections in locomotive practice
with special reference to the Porta sectional
boiler, unpublished, 1969.
- Guide for the connection rod-piston rod
calculation: A proposal for the TGS bag,
unpublished, 1969.
- Steam locomotive development in Argentina- its
contribution to the future of railway technology in
the under-developed countries, Journal of the
Institution of Locomotive Engineers, 61 (1969)
- Note sur la substitution des tiroirs simples par
des tiroirs doubles. 1969 (unpublished).
- La grille casse scories en V: essai de
theorisation de son comportement (en Espa�ol),
unpublished, 1970.
- Reflexions sur la conduite des locomotives,
unpublished, 1970.
- Note-discussion sur la paper a Andrews sur les
bilees des locomotives a vapeur J Loco. E 1952, 1970
- What can be done with a Class J?, 1970.
- Note sur l'equation fondamentale donnant les
efforts au crochet des locomotives a vapeur., 1970
- The temperature of steam locomotive connecting rod
big ends- a calculation approach, 1970 (in Spanish,
- Sur l'aerodynamisme interne des locomotives a
vapeur, 1970 (unpublished).
- Note sur l'etancheste des pistons moteur et des
tiroirs des locomotives a vapeur, 1970
- Notes on oil rod lubrication (in Spanish), 1970
- Qu 'est-ce qu'il faut faisse pour rouler une
locomotive a vapeur pendent 2000 heurs sans
attention on entretien? (What should be done to make
a locomotive run 2000 hours without attention or
maintenance?), 1970 (unpublished).
- 250 km/h con vapor en Argentina, con carbon de Rio
Turbio, Jornadas de CADEF, Santa Rosa de
Calamuchita, Argentina, April 1971.
- Reflexions sur la conduite des locomotives
(Reflections on Locomotive Driving), 1970
- Locomotives a vapeur de l'avenir- project,
operation, hommes (Future Steam Locomotives- Design,
Operation, Men), 1971 (unpublished).
- Note sur les tuyauteries de locomotive, 1971
- Note sur la con fiabilite des machines
locomotives, unpublished, 1972.
- L'analyse des erreurs dans les mesures
experimenetales faites sur les locomotives a vapeur,
unpublished, 1972.
- Note sur le "degouflement" des locomotives apris
sa sortie des ateliers comment garantir 100% de
performance le long du parcours entre GR (Note on
the loss of power of locomotives after their coming
out of back shops- how to guarantee a 100%
performance between heavy repairs), 1972
- Quelques reflexions sur les characteristiques
fondamentals des locomotives a vapeur, 1972
- The dissipation of heat produced by piston ring
friction on steam locomotives, 1972 (unpublished).
- Steam locomotive sizable improvements with minor
detail alterations- the experience with engine No.
1802, FCGB, 1972 (unpublished).
- On the design of the inside locomotive motion,
unpublished, 1973.
- Combustion, Heat transfer and draught in a 2-10-0
locomotive, unpublished, Buenos Aires, 1973, pp. 14
- Cycle Calculations for a 2-10-0 locomotive, 1973
- Sur la participation de la chandies daus
l'absortion des efforts demandes au chassis de
locomotive, 1973 (unpublished).
- Theory of the Lempor ejector as applied to produce
draught in steam locomotives, Buenos Aires, 1974,
pp. 14.
- With Roveda E. B., Heat transfer to a container of
any arbitrary form, INTI, 1974.
- An analysis of the Kylchap blast pipe of the 242
A1, Buenos Aires, 1974.
- Heat transfer and friction in ejector mixing
chambers, unpublished, Buenos Aires, 1974, pp. 14.
- With Fiora J., On the dimensioning of steam
locomotive motion: forces or horsepower? ,
unpublished, 1974.
- The Lempor blast pipe- claculation for a 2-10-0
locomotive, 1974 (unpublished).
- The design of high-powered steam locomotive
crankshafts, unpublished, 1975.
- Steam engine cylinder tribology, unpublished,
1975. Revised 1978, June 1987, and March 1992.
- Steam locomotive boiler feedwater treatment,
unpublished, 1975.
- Quelques reflexions sur les caracteristiques
fondamentales des locomotives a vapeur, premiere
Parte, unpublished, 1975.
- Note on flat plated stayed firebox construction
for locomotive boiler working at 30 and 60
atmospheres steam pressure, unpublished, 1975.
- La traccion a vapor en el contexto de la cris
energetica (en Espa�ol), XIII Pan American
Railway Congress, Caracas, Venezuela, 1975
(also in English)
- Piston valve liner bridge-bar temperatures,
unpublished, 1975.
- The mechanical design of piston valves,
unpublished, 1975.
- A piston valve design for high temperature steam,
1975 (unpublished).
- The cooling of piston valve and liner rubbing
surfaces, 1975 (unpublished).
- Note sur la philosophic du project de la chandiere
locomotive moderne, 1975.
- Adhesion in advanced steam locomotive engineering
facing the oil crisis, INTI document, 1976.
- Leaving coal burning locomotives unattended,
unpublished, 1976.
- An example of boiler heat balance analysis,
unpublished, 1976.
- Note on steam locomotives with three cylinders,
unpublished, 1976.
- Written contribution to the discussion of the
paper on steam motive power to be read by Mr. Peter
Lewty before the Canadian Society of Mechanical
Engineers, Calgary, Canada, Nov 23, 1976,
unpublished, 1976.
- Locomotive sparking and lineside fire risks,
unpublished, 1976.
- Hand-firing in connection with the GPCS,
unpublished, 1976, comments added 1988.
- A new conception of the compound locomotive,
unpublished, 1976.
- Progress on steam locomotive technology carried
out in Argentina since 1969 and up to 1976,
unpublished, 1976 (?).
- Note sur les locomotives compound a trois
cylinders (Note on compound locomotives with three
cylinders), 1976 (unpublished).
- On the influence of elastic wheels on driving
adhesion, 1976 (unpublished).
- Note on the purposes of mechanical locomotive
design and the philosophy related to it, 1976
- The Herdner starting helper, unpublished, 1977.
- A comment on Durrant's proposed locomotive boiler,
unpublished, 1977.
- The theory of units and Usure (?) Scholarium with
special reference to some engineering and economic
fields, INTI, 1977.
- Note on the Hudson-Orrock furnace heat transfer
equation as applied to the locomotive boiler,
unpublished, 1977.
- Note on the design of Garratt locomotives,
unpublished, 1977.
- Improvements to the steam locomotive air-brake
pump, unpublished, 1977.
- With David Wardale, SAR 19D combustion
calculations, unpublished, 1977.
- On piston and valve ring wear pattern deformations
and lubricator conditions, unpublished, 1977.
- Steam cycle of a 4000 CVe Metre gauge 2-10-0 steam
locomotive, unpublished, 1977.
- A note on the optimum lead in steam locomotives,
unpublished, 1977
- A System for Coupling Both Mallet Engine Units and
its Extension to Other Articulated Locomotives,
- Improvements to the air brake pump, 1977
- With David Wardale, Third Generation Steam: Facing
the Energy Crisis, XIV Pan-American Railway
Congress, Lima, 1978.
- Water treatment for low pressure boilers. Part 1
Locomotives, in Spanish, unpublished, 1978.
- Note on the responsiveness to quick load changes
of a certain well-known type of boiler when burning
wood, Study for KALHALL, Stockholm, Sweden, 1978.
- The cooling of piston valve and liner rubbing
surfaces, unpublished, 1978.
- Some notes on large steam pipe connections
occurring in separable locomotive design,
unpublished, 1978.
- Note sur une nouvelle philosophie dans le
traintement des eaux pour chaudieres locomotives
(Note on a new water treatment philosophy for steam
locomotives), unpublished, 1978.
- Notes on third generation steam, unpublished,
- Improving existing shunting engines without
structural alterations, unpublished, 1978.
- A feedwater heating system suitable for S65 and
T65 locomotives, unpublished, 1978.
- The CGCPS: Cyclonic gas producer combustion
system. Part 1, unpublished, 1978.
- Notes on the maximum allowable working pressure of
locomotive boilers with special reference to
existing riveted boilers, 1978 (unpublished).
- Calculo de la disociacion del Na2CO3 en calderas:
coorecion al modelo de P.T. DEE, INTI document,
- A proposed mechanical adhesion improver,
unpublished, 1979.
- A mechanical anti-slipping device for steam,
electric or diesel locomotives, unpublished, 1979.
- Notes on adhesion under limiting conditions,
unpublished, 1979.
- Notes sur la pression maxima de travail des
chaudieres de locomotive avec particulere reference
aux chaudiers rivees existantes (en Espa�ol), INTI,
- On the partial blanking off of some grate parts ,
unpublished, 1979.
- Piston valve liner bridge-bar temperatures,
unpublished, 1979.
- With David Wardale, SAR 19D boiler and ejector
calculations, unpublished, 1979.
- Leakage in the No. 1 tubeplate in firetube boilers
(in Spanish), INTI, Dept. Termodinamica, Buenos
Aires, Argentina, 1979.
- Steam locomotive boiler water circulation- a first
semi-quantitative approach, 1979, revised 1981
- Fugas en la placa tubular No. 1 de las calderas
humotubulares - Informe numero uno (preliminar),
borrador de trabajo, ejemplar numero 35 (en
Espa�ol)- INTI, Depto de Termodin�mica, February
- A note on the gas producer combustion system under
fluidised bed conditions, unpublished, 1980.
- Note on a proposed dynamic braking for advanced
steam locomotives, unpublished, 1980.
- Note on combustion efficiency of the Gas Producer
Combustion System, unpublished, 1980.
- Note on burnout heat transfer, unpublished, 1980.
- Note on the philosophy of steam locomotive
machinery design, unpublished, 1980.
- Leakage of the No 1 tubeplate for firetube boilers
No 1 (preliminary) (in Spanish), INTI, 1980.
- A new superheater-economiser element for advanced
steam locomotive technology, unpublished, 1980.
- Improvements for hand-driven valve gear reversers
of steam locomotives. , unpublished, 1981.
- Esperifications (?) techniques. constructions ? ?
locomotives a vapeur chauffees a charbon de Chemin
de Fer Rio Turbio Yaimientes(?) Carbinoferro
Fiscales-YCF, Rebuplico Argentino (en Espagnol),
INTI-YCF, 1981.
- The M-grate as applied to steam locomotive
boilers, 1981 (unpublished).
- The R-grate for steam locomotive boilers, 1981
- Steam locomotive boiler water circulation,
unpublished, 1982.
- Steam locomotive crosshead design, unpublished,
- Dispositif de controle de l'hauteur de la mousse
dans les chaudieres a basse pression (en Espa�ol),
unpublished, 1982.
- On the Walschaert link design, unpublished, 1982.
- Improvements to the steam locomotive air-brake
pump, unpublished, 1982.
- On steam locomotive piston and valve ring leakage,
unpublished, 1982.
- Note on the Lubrifilm wearing surface
reconstruction process, unpublished, 1982.
- Note on the present status of grate design in
connection with the gas producer combustion system,
1982 (unpublished).
- A mechanical slip control device for steam,
electric and diesel locomotives (last revision),
1982 (unpublished).
- The PORTA- de LEONARDIS elastic wheel,
unpublished, 1983.
- Some notes on marine uniflow engines of unique
design, American Coal Enterprises, 1983.
- Improvement to the SKINNER uniflow steam engine,
American Coal Enterprises, 1983.
- An example of application of the gas producer
combustion system to a water-tube package boiler,
unpublished, 1983.
- A note on boiler technology based on the Gas
Producer Combustion System, unpublished, 1983.
- Supporting pad for tail rods and piston valves
(based on the ONO principle), unpublished, 1983.
- A note on increasing flue diameter in locomotive
rebuilding, unpublished, 1983.
- The burning of coal on grates- the classical
combustion (with discussion with D. Wardale),
unpublished, 1983.
- Bar frame design proposals to avoid "vibrillement"
at the back end and facilitate maintenance,
unpublished, 1983.
- Note on bolted connections in locomotive practice
with special reference to the Porta sectional
boiler, unpublished, 1983.
- The dissipation of heat produced by piston ring
friction, unpublished, 1983.
- Note on the inertia compensator for piston valves,
unpublished, 1983.
- Notes on third generation steam, unpublished,
- Commented translation of F. Witte, "Der
Strukturwandel und die Dampflokomotiven der
Deutschen Bundesbahn-Neue Kessel", Loktechnik 1957
s. 31, unpublished, 1983.
- The potential of locomotive rebuilding. an
example: The Chinese QJ series, American Coal
Enterprises, 1983.
- The design of the ACE 3000 locomotive- my
uncertainty areas, American Coal Enterprises, 1983.
- An essay on locomotive boiler tubeplate
birdnesting (ash fouling), 1983 (unpublished).
- Filtering oil in coupling rod bearings, 1983
- On the WALSCHAERT link design, 1983 (unpublished).
- Heat transfer in the steam locomotive firebox- a
check of the empirical Hudson-Orrock-Porta formula,
unpublished, 1984.
- Notes on locomotive firebox repairs. Commented
translation of the SNCF document MT 52c No 4,
premiere parte, unpublished, 1984.
- The thermo mechanical behavior of the steam
locomotive firebox- an overall view, April 1984.
- The lubrication of axlebox checks. In u. f. d. l.
a. v. P. parte (Ed.), unpublished, 1984.
- Leakage of the No 1 tubeplate for firetube boilers
No 1 (preliminary) [in Spanish], INTI, 1984.
- Description of the Mark 1-B advanced coal burning
steam locomotive. First preliminary scheme, American
Coal Enterprises, 1984.
- Boiler foam height meter, American Coal
Enterprises, November 1984.
- A mechanical anti-slipping device for steam,
electric or diesel locomotives, unpublished, 1985.
- Note on the present status of grate design in
connection with the gas producer combustion system,
unpublished, 1985.
- For the record: some ideas on advanced steam
locomotive tribology, American Coal Enterprises,
- An essay on sulfur emission control in advanced
steam locomotive technology, unpublished, 1985.
- An essay on NOx emissions and the GPCS- (Gas
Producer Combustion System), unpublished, 1985.
- Leaving coal burning locomotives unattended,
unpublished, 1985.
- Note on the present status of grate design in
connection with the Gas Producer Combustion System,
unpublished, 1985.
- Piston valve design for high temperature steam,
unpublished, 1985.
- The mechanical design of piston valves,
unpublished, 1985.
- Working the Gas Producer Combustion System under
pressure- an exploration, Foster-Wheeler, 1985.
- Tentative boiler proposals for the Tsinghua
University, Tsinghua University, 1985.
- Mechanical coal distribution for locomotive
grates: The Elvin and Patadon stoker heads,
unpublished, 1985.
- Note on cylinder lubrication by means of
hydrostatic displacement lubricators, unpublished,
- Note on the Rio Turbio tyre profile, unpublished,
- Some forms of secondary air nozzles for locomotive
type boilers, unpublished, 1985.
- On the use of the tender as a large hot water
reservoir for advanced steam locomotive technology,
unpublished, 1985.
- The ACE 6000-G locomotive: an exploration about a
Garratt configuration, American Coal Enterprises,
- Application of the gas producer combustion system
to the 141R: an excercise, issued September 1985,
updated November 1998
- L. D. PORTA: his advanced steam locomotive
technologies and their extension to other
thermomechanical fields, L. D. Porta, Buenos Aires,
- Locomotives de manoeuvre pour les chemin de fer
Argentinas (en Espa�ol), FA, 1986.
- Some suggestions to improve the gasification
efficiency near firebox walls, Gas Producer
Combustion System, unpublished, 1986.
- The Fischer knuckle pin in advanced steam
locomotive engineering, unpublished, 1986.
- The contribution of a new steam motive power to an
oilless world, Sedminario Internacional de
desarrollo tecnoloico ferroviaro, Guaalajara,
- Recuperacion y modernizacion de tres locomoras de
vapor alimentadas con lena para el Paraguay. Algunos
aspectos de la operacion. Costos y rentabilidades,
Documento interno de la Pesidencia de Ferrocarriles
Argentinos, 1987.
- Asesor, Presidencia de Ferrocarriles Argentinos.
Junio 1988 - Curso elemantal sobre tracci�n de
vapor (en Espa�ol).
- Steam locomotive power: advances made during the
last 30 years. The future., XVIII Collogue
ICOHTEC, Paris, 1990.
- With Pennaneach M. J. and Guilly J. M., Exemple
d'une technique de progres: la combustion gazogene,
XVIII Collogue ICOHTEC, Paris, 1990.
- Forty years later: an analysis of Chapelon's
compounds in the light of recent progress in steam
locomotive technology, XVIII Collogue ICOHTEC,
Paris, 1990.
- On warming up phenomena occurring in steam
locomotives, unpublished, 1990, in preparation.
- A simplified approach to locomotive balancing,
unpublished, 1990 In preparation.
- The Gas Producer Combustion System as an Answer to
Coal-Derived Pollution from Steam Locomotives, 1990.
- An essay: the prediction of condensation and
evaporation in wall effect phenomena occurring in
steam engine cylinders, unpublished, 1991 "nearly
- The influence of condensations in the specific
steam consumption of saturated steam engines,
according to Doertel, unpublished, 1991 "nearly
- Crankshaft design for high power locomotives,
second edition, unpublished, 1991 "Nearly finished".
- Towards the automatic control of combustion in the
GPCS- a first qualitative approach, unpublished,
1991 In preparation.
- An essay: The Russian approach to friction and
wear problems, as applied to PORTA advanced steam
locomotive technology, unpublished, 1991 In
- Revised values for stresses of steam locomotive
components, unpublished, 1991 In preparation.
- On the problem of the steam locomotive ejector
design, unpublished, 1991 In preparation.
- An essay on abrasive wear of steam locomotive
bearings, unpublished, 1991 In preparation.
- The thermodynamical analysis of steam locomotive
cylinder performance (incomplete, 1991),
- A proposal for the Tornado project, L.D.Porta,
- An advance in steam locomotive draughting: the use
of the blower to reduce back-pressure and increase
boiler efficiency, unpublished, 1992 In preparation.
- Paper on advanced steam locomotive crossheads,
unpublished, 1992 In preparation.
- Advanced steam engine cylinder tribology, 1995.
(updated edition of 1975 "Steam engine cylinder
- A preliminary scheme for the modernization of the
ex-Baldwin 2-6-2 locomotives, Emerald Tourist
Railway Board, Australia, February 1995. ("Puffing
Billy" Railway, project continued by Nigel Day in UK
and Shaun McMahon in South Africa; proposal still
under discussion by the board.)
- Notas sobre un servicio de
lujo a Mar del Plata con locomotoras a vapor (en
espa�ol), 18 de Julio 1996, Banfield, Argentina.
Paper written for the information of Tranex
Turismo S.A. during the initial plans for
operating a mainline passenger service between
Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata using modified or
newly constructed steamers. Proposal still under
consideration by government authorities in
- Informe sobre el Ferrocarril
Austral Fueguino, numero 1. (en Espa�ol), 27
Diciembre 1997, Banfield, Argentina.
- (as Consulting Engineer, FCAF) Some steam
locomotive leakage tests on locomotive Nora,
Ferrocarril Austural Fueguino
- An Essay- The Russian Approach to Friction and
Wear Problems as Applied to PORTA Advanced Steam
Locomotive Technology (in preparation, 1987)
- XXIst
Century Steam- Day of Modern Steam Traction,
December 15, 1997.
- Fundamental
Principals of Steam Locomotive Modernization and
Their Application to Musuem and Tourist Railway
Locomotives, 1998.
- Application of the gas producer combustion system
to the 141R: an exercise, 1998 (unpublished).
- Some aspects of the LVM 800 locomotive design,
July 1998.
- Specifications for an 0-6-0, 500/600 mm gauge, 150
HP locomotive design, August 1998.
- Informe sobre el Ferrocarril
Austral Fueguino, numero 2. (en Espa�ol), 3 de
Marzo 1998, Banfield, Argentina.
- With McMahon S. - Informe
sobre Ferrocarril Austral Fueguino/Report on
Ferrocarril Austral Fueguino, numero 3/number 3
(en Espa�ol y Ingles/In Spanish and English), 11
de Agosto 1998/11th August 1998, Banfield,
- On Some Gas Producer Combustion System Firebed
Phenomena, January 1999
- Report on the FCAF, number
4, 10 September 1999, Banfield, Argentina.
- Some Steam Leakage Tests on Locomotive NORA of the
Ferrocarril Austral Fuegino, 6 October 1999.
- On some GPCS firebed phenomena, unpublished, 1999.
- The gas producer combustion system- a positive
answer for fires caused by coal- and biomass-burning
steam locomotives, unpublished, 1999.
- A note on oil burners as applied to steam
locomotives, January 2000.
- Cario: An Advanced Axlebox Scheme for 21st
Century Steam Locomotives, January 2000
- Steam locomotive engineering facing the energy
crisis (book in preparation), 1999 (unpublished).
- The Steam Locomotive- That Simple and Poorly
Understood Machine (in preparation, 1999).
- CANARIAS, a theory of gas phase combustion (in
preparation, 1999).
- Fundamentals of the Porta Compounding System for
Steam Locomotives, November 2000.
- Stuffing Boxes (undated, unpublished).
- Crosshead design (undated, unpublished).
- Paper on advanced water treatment and use of the
tender tank as hot water reservoir (undated,
- Improvements to the hydrostatic cylinder
lubricator (in Spanish, undated, unpublished).
- Paper on valve gear design (undated, unpublished).
- Paper on self-grinding packing glands (undated,
- Heat transfer in locomotive cylinders (in
preparation, unpublished).
- Ceramic coating of cylinder non-rubbing surfaces
(in preparation, unpublished).
- Advanced shunting locomotives for the Argentine
railways (in Spanish), Buenos Aires, (undated,
- Progress in steam locomotive technology carried on
since 1976 (undated, unpublished).
- Notes on method for correct setting of locomotive
spring gear (undated, unpublished).
- An essay on the design of cylinder bolted
connections in two-cylinder locomotives (undated,