Hungary National Railways (MÁV)
Hungary National Railroads(MÁV)-Hungary
MÁV English Timetables
Below Menetrend at the left top, you can input honnan: = depature station ,hova: = destination,but it is better to open
Elvira from the begening. Tere are no English clue
in the opeing page.
In the frame of mikor: ma is Holiday,holnap is ordinary day click OKthen Timetables will be shown.
After inputting departure and destination
stations and date (today or tomorrow) cliickin
fo "OK" shows timetable. visszaut is for return trains.
Click the number of respective train, then
reveales details of the train..Major cities
in germany, Czech, Slovakia and Romania are
Elvira is for english.
Érkezés/Erk. = departure time
Indulás/Ind. = arrival tome Átszállás
= connecting station)
If you click on EU flag, German Rail Timetables will appear.
IC-timetable (IC-menetrend) shows main sections
of Inter City.