St. Joseph Valley Model Railroad Club
The Valley Route
What's happening with the SJV - Calendar of Events
SJV Recurring Events:
Wednesday Evenings 7:00pm - 10:00pm IST*
Friday Evenings 7:00pm - 10:00pm IST*
Business Meeting - First Wednesday of the month @ 7:00pm IST*
Calendar Events:
October 20, 2002 - SJV Model Railroad Show and Sale
Where: Elks Lodge Post 235
3535 E. McKinley Ave.
South Bend, IN
Whats offered: Z, N, HO, G, LGB, Model cars, brass items, literature,
shirts and such.
Cost: Individual- $3.00
Family-- $6.00
Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
St. Joe Valley Model Railroad Club
P.O. Box 6591
South Bend, IN 46660-6591
Table Rentals:
David Korkhouse
PO Box 6591
South Bend, Indiana 46660
(574) 272-6436
* Indiana Standard Time
March 17, 2002 Show Flyer & Table reservation
Contact the
SJV Last Modified: Wednesday March 20, 2002
©1998 - 2000 SJV
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