In Memory of Henry Mortimer, one of our founding
Henry S. Mortimer was a club member who worked tirelessly to build the South
Jersey S Gaugers into a prime-time promoter of S-Gauge ever since he joined the
club in 1995. He was responsible for many of the ideas built into our sectional
layout and we dedicated the layout to his memory. This plaque is mounted in a
place of honor on our control panel right above the transformer - where any
member operating the layout is reminded we owe it all to him.
Mort was also solely responsible for finding the first meeting place the
club enjoyed at the Bellmawr Fire and Rescue #1. Whatever the club activity,
you could count on Mort being a major part of it. His humor and kind
encouragement to members to excel in the hobby were always welcome. He is sorely
missed by all who knew him.
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Index -> Picture14)