Annual Luncheon Meeting @ The Big Apple Cafe Buena, NJ - February, 2009
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A little
bit about our Annual Luncheon Meeting
Joe & Darlene Profetto coordinated our annual Luncheon February 21st at the Big Apple Café. We had a great turnout,
the Buffet was good and of course the desserts outstanding.
The meeting provided a chance for us to chat about the events in 2008 and our plans in 2009 for our own layouts and those
in the shows and at the Shore Mall.
A group photo was taken. A slide show of past meetings,
shows, etc. was displayed throughout the luncheon/meeting. Those attending: Bob & Judy Beare, Tom & Anita Brown, Mark Brunton,
Suzanne Cantanese, George & Elinor Clark, Joe Crilley, Ed DeSipio, Rich & Edith Edelman, Larry & Donna Grady, Elaine Grindlinger,
Phil Hatrak, Jack & Janet Heath, Rudy & Alice Irizarry, Bill Keller, Rick & Patti Lewis, Jim & Becky Lincoln, Rich Muller,
Fred & Ann Neal, Bud & Cass Oncay, Larry Paakh, Joe & Darlene Profetto, Denise Pruitt, Al & Bobbie Schmidt, Phil & Rosalie Shapiro