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Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Pictures of the Week - 12/22/2019
SEPTA Main Line North Wales and Lansdale PA October 23 and 24, November 18 and December 6 2019
Another slippery rail season has passed and for the second year, at least two of the gel trains out of Wayne Electric have been powered by AEM-7's. Last year the early trains featured a single motor but that quickly changed to a pair, one on each end. This year they went back to the original modus operandi with a north leading cab car and a south trailing electric. On the first run October 23 2019, Wash 1 had cab car SPAX 605 leading.
SPAX 605 had a little more color than it had last year, thanks to a local artist.
Trailing was AEM-7 SPAX 2301.
The next night Wash 1 rolled into Lansdale around 23:00 ...
and paused at CP Land to wait for Train 591. While it sat there, it was illuminated by the headlights of Train 4590 which pulled up behind..
A few weeks later, Wash 1 now had AEM-7 SPAX 2304.
SPAX 2304 held down the job until the end, here at the southbound signal at CP Dale on December 6 2019.
Returning one last time through Lansdale on December 7 2019, possibly never to return.
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