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Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Pictures of the Week - 01/06/2019
CSX Trenton Line Fairless Junction, Woodbourne and CP TL Middletown Township PA December 31 2018 and January 4 2019

When I posted last week's A fitting end to the year: My favorite local CSX C770 on the way to South Philly CP Berry Philadelphia PA December 11 2018, I did not see the next week coming.

First, a truly fitting tribute to the end of the year would be the last C770 of the year, which I was lucky enough to catch shoving out of the western end of Woodbourne Yard at Fairless Junction. Probably due to holiday scheduling, the trio of GP40-2's in the 6200 series that have usually been lounging in Lansdale Yard all day did not make the C746 the night before and instead were working for a living on New Year's Eve. The units were CSX 6220, 6210 and 6222, the last two featuring pilots modified for operation in third rail territory.

After clearing the eastbound absolute signal at Fairless, they had to wait for the conductor to walk the almost half a mile of train back to the head end.
A half hour later and a mile away, they came through Woodbourne heading to Manville.
On Friday, to start the new year, I got lucky again and this time they came out of the east end of Woodbourne Yard. With the C746 power still in Lansdale, it was up to GP40-2 CSX 6227 to lead up to Manville. Interestingly, the third rail pilot on 6227 is different from those on 6210 and 6222.
In a case of "one of these things is not like the others", the fifth unit assigned to Woodbourne, and second on C770, was GP38-2 CSX 2622.
As a special bonus, the first car was a former Tropicana car, now wearing the reporting marks CKIX.
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