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Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
Philly Railfan Pictures of the Week
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Railfan Pictures of the Week - 04/30/2017

SEPTA West Trenton Line and CSX Trenton Line Langhorne, Heacock Road and CP Berry

Langhorne and Philadelphia PA

January 10, February 10 and March 10 2017

This year it snowed around the 10th of each of the first three months. January's snowfall wasn't that impressive, not even enough to keep this SEPTA training train off the rails at Langhorne.
Meanwhile the plow on CSX Q300 had nothing to do.
February's was about the same, a little more than a dusting, as CSX Q032 passes CP Berry ...
followed by CSX Q300.
The March storm was an afternoon affair (the last pictures here are of K702 earlier that morning) and wet enough that it stuck to the trees and the equipment, as shown by Q032 at Heacock Road.
In fact, the last gasp of winter would be on March 14, and within a week the snow would be gone as we returned to the dreary backdrop of bare trees and gray skies.
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Website created January 1, 2017
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