Rail Travelogues by Rick Chase
Rail Travelogues and Photo Essays by Rick Chase
Table of Contents
Amtrak Coast StarLight Trip July, 2017
Southwest Chief No. 4 Los Angeles to Chicago July, 2016
Rail Fanning New Jersey Transit at various locations in New Jersey, Philadelphia and New York City.
November 30, 2015
Railfanning AMTRAK - Various AMTRAK Engines in and around Philadelphia taken over the last few years.
November 23, 2015
What I Learned On My First Cross-Country Trip on the Southwest Chief
, October 14, 2015
Amtrak Keystone Service from Paoli, Pennsylvania (PAO) to New York Penn Station (NYP) to see the holiday displays.
December 12, 2015
SouthWest Chief No. 4 from Los Angeles to Chicago
, July 2016.
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Other Reports by Rick Chase
American Passenger Rail Heritage Foundation (APRHF)