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Chittaranjan Loco Works

Chittaranjan Loco Works
Prakash Tendulkar, February 2005


OBC.jpg (61124 bytes)  Connectors on the back of micro-processor module.

WABTEC2.jpg (48909 bytes)

WABTEC.jpg (48453 bytes)  SAB-WABCO modules used for managing pneumatic brakes.

TM Blower.jpg (49921 bytes)  TM blower.

Footpanel.jpg (16565 bytes)  Foot panel for operator.

Footpanel2.jpg (6959 bytes)  A close up. Label Sanding is self-explanatory. PVEF is used when train brakes are applied and loco brakes (only) need to be released. Vigilance is depressed to acknowledge alert signal. This function is similar to (not identical to) dead man's handle.

Xformer.jpg (33115 bytes)  Undercarriage of WAG-9. Transformer is visible at the center.

Couplers.jpg (34592 bytes)  Couplers
