WCM-5. The first electric locomotive model manufactured by CLW in 1961.
This locomotive was sent by Kalyan Loco shed. It has all 6 traction motors
intact. I could not go inside as doors were locked.
YAM1 was sent from Chennai for study of
bogie for possible exports.
Total 20 YAM1s were supplied by Mitsubishi between 1964 - 1966.
A historical 4-wheeler at CLW.
The next few pictures are not related to CLW
but were captured during the trip.
A bus outside Chittaranjan station.
Ballast being re-enforced by Kulhads. Chittaranjan station.
Speedometer in WAP-4 with Type-3 driver.
Emergency window.

This is not a picture from Harbor branch in Mumbai. This is near Howrah.
One of the cleanest railway platform I have seen
in IR.