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Information about the Philadelphia Chapter

of the National Railway Historical Society




Post Office Box 7302, Philadelphia, PA19101-7302


Founded 1936, incorporated 1973 as a 501c3 non-profit corporation



President��������������.R. L. Eastwood, Jr.

Senior Vice President ..��������.William Thomas III

Vice President & Treasurer���...���...Richard Copeland

Secretary ���������������Frank G. Tatnall

National Representative��....�����..Peter M. Senin, Jr.

Historian��������������..Larry A. DeYoung

Editor���������������..R. L. Eastwood, Jr.



Equipment��������������David R. McGuire

Membership��������������..Sheila A. Dorr

Program��������������.William Thomas III

Publicity������������..William C. Faltermayer

Trip����������������.R. L. Eastwood, Jr.

Webmaster�������������..�John P. Almeida


MEETINGS:7:30 PM, third Friday of each month (except second Friday in December and June), at Thomas Jefferson University Alumni Hall, 1020 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA.Check at Security Desk in Lobby for exact dinner and meeting room location.Dinner (optional) at 6:15 PM ($20.00 per person), Meeting at 7:30 PM.No meeting July or August.


2012 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES:$54.00 per person, which includes Chapter and National dues.Additional Chapter membership dues $18.00 per person per year.Membership applications should be forwarded to: Membership Chair, P. O. Box 7302, Philadelphia, PA19101-7302.Membership in the parent National Railway Historical Society is required to hold an Additional Chapter membership.Members joining this category are required to furnish Philadelphia Chapter with their home chapter and membership number.Note: National NRHS dues are expected to rise for the year 2013.

Individuals interested in supporting Philadelphia Chapter and its local rail preservation activities may become a part of Philadelphia Railfriends.This non-membership category is available for an annual contribution of $25.00.Forward remittance, payable to �Philadelphia Chapter, NRHS� to the Chapter�s P. O. Box above, indicating it is for �Philadelphia Railfriends�.

ADDRESS CHANGES should be sent to the Editor at Post Office Box 353, Huntingdon Valley, PA19006-0353.PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER and E-mail address so our Membership List is complete.We will notify the NRHS National Headquarters of the change.

Cinders is published 11 times a year by Philadelphia Chapter, NRHS, Inc.Correspondence regarding Cinders should be directed to the Editor at P.O. Box 353, Huntingdon Valley, PA19006-0353.EXCHANGE newsletters should be sent to:R. L. Eastwood, Jr., Editor, P. O. Box 353, Huntingdon Valley, PA19006-0353, or by electronic mail to

If your Cinders is received damaged or incomplete, please contact the Editor at the address above to receive a replacement copy.Requests may also be made by E-mail to


Click the logo for the National site
Clickable links to information about other nearby chapters of the NRHS
Delaware Valley West Jersey Lancaster Pennsylvania
Long Island - Sunrise Trail Wilmington Delaware Harrisburg Pennsylvania
Twin Forks Baltimore Maryland Horseshoe Curve
Central New York Washington D.C. Hagerstown Maryland
Mohawk and Hudson Potomac  

Direct website questions or comments to phillynrhs webmaster

Website created June 12, 2002

Last Updated May 9, 2012