Penfound Varnish, Osler Street team tracks and other small industries off the Old Bruce service track. Old Bruce Service Track later known as S Yard, and finally PS Lead, ran between West Toronto Diamond and Dundas Street West just north of Parkdale, and was once the Toronto, Grey and Bruce mainline. It was east of the Galt Sub. and was separated by the CNR Weston Sub. double track. It remained in use for many years to serve a number of
local industries, including Rowntree (chocolates), Joe Lowe (Popsicle
Pete), Glidden Varnish
and Viceroy Rubber. It ran across West Toronto Diamond into the MacTier
Sub. In later years this seldom-used diamond was eliminated and the
service track was extended eastward on a sharp curve across Osler Avenue
and connected to the North Toronto Sub. It remained in use until the
last industry Laura Secord (formerly, Rowntree,
originally Cowan's)
stopped using rail for sugar from Redpath on the EastWharf. Finally
being abandoned in 199x . It was dismantled in April of 1996. Eventually,
Old Bruce service track, looking south from Wallace
Ave. footbridge. 8133 on North Toronto Sub. looking east towards Osler
(Oh-sler) Avenue.
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