Changing Railroading Photos (15) From Northern Utah.
This RailWay In Northern Utah is run by Track Warrant. Radio frequencies used on the
RailWay In Northern Utah have been jumping around a bit over the past few years. When
I first came to this area, they were on channel 20 [160.4100], then they changed to 24 [160.4700].
Now I hear them on 25 [160.4850] & sometimes on 27 [160.5150]. I got a 100 channel scanner,
so I just scan all railroad channels 7 to 97 most of the time. You can find them listed here;
North American Railroad Frequencies.
The Following Sections were set up by Myself, Braking the 110 Mile RailWay In Northern Utah into
9 sections, with a Section each for the Malad Branch, Cache Valley Branch, Rocket Trains,
& Three sections Covering Depots in the area, for a total of 15 Sections. Each Section contains
Photos & information about the area which will help you in Railfanning the RailWay In Northern Utah.
There is also a bigger photo archive for each section which you can see by clicking on the
Camera icon near the bottom of each page.
Railfanning the RailWay In Northern Utah can be done from Public Roads, Trespassing is not encouraged.
Most of the Rail line can be seen from the highways in the area, but you will need to travel on
some dirt county roads. a road map of Utah & Idaho can help, but you would be better off with
a copy of the DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteer of Utah & Idaho, which can be picked up locally for
about $20.00 each. These map books will should all the public roads in the area, as well as
public lands & the rail line itself. If you get lost they will help you find your way out too.
Looking for more info about the Railfanning The RailWay In Northern Utah, Give Jolly an
e-mail & he will be happy to tell you here to go, & maybe even show you around a bit.
6. Cache Jct |
9. McCammon Jct |
11. The Malad Branch |
e-mail the WebAmateur |
How about some info about the Eastern Idaho Railroad in SouthEast Idaho?
© Jolly Goodfellow 1996-2006 -- Last Updated April 12, 2006
For more on the RailWays In Northern Utah,
see any or all the fine books listed here in the Credits.
Maps & Info from these books helped make this Publication possible.
Map of Utah Railways Past & Present, by Stephen L. Carr
Published by Gibbs Smith, Publisher, Layton Utah.
Utah Ghost Rails, by Stephen L. Carr & Robert W. Edwards
Published by Western Epics, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Ogden Rails, by Don Strack
Published by Don Strack in association with the
Golden Spike Chapter, Railway & Locomotive Historical Society, Ogden Utah.
Crossroads of the West, Blain Kooistra, Jim Belmont, Dave Gayer
Published by Pentrex, Pasadena, California.
Union Pacific Salt Lake Route, by Mark W. Hemphill
Published by The Boston Mills Press, Erin, Ontario.
Disclaimer - Although There Are Photos Of
Union Pacific Trains on this
WebSite for the benefit of visitors, this Publication is in no way connected with,
endorsed by, or promoted by the Union Pacific Railroad. While every effort has been
made to provide accurate information from publicly available sources, no information contained
herein should be considered authorized communication from the Union Pacific Railroad.