How To Join Us
Membership is open. You are welcome to be our guest at any regular business meeting. Applications are available there or from the links below. Club meetings begin with attendance and introductions of guests who are invited to give a brief bio of their railroading interests. Next come the more formal business items, and "good and welfare" where topical items of general interest, such a notices of railfan events, swap meets, special train moves may be shared. The evening usually ends with a short clinic on a topic of interest. Club laws require all members to also be members of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA). An on-line NMRA application can be found by clicking here. To get a head start---become familiar with the corporation's By-laws, available here (119KB) in PDF format; (Read with Adobe Acrobat Reader) then, print a copy of the membership application found by clicking here, fill it out and bring it to a regular business meeting, or mail it to the P.O. Box shown at the top of the application. Include a check for the remainder of the calendar years dues, currently at $5.00/month, in which any unused portion of the prepaid dues, if any, will be refunded. During the probation period, the applicant is required to attend 3 meetings and participate in the setup or takedown of two shows. After that, members are usually accepted by a majority vote of the active members present at the next regular business meeting. In addition to regular adult membership, OCMR offers a Youth membership to those under the age of 18 at a reduced cost. If you live more than 50 miles away, you may also join as Visiting Member at a reduced cost. Come visit us at one of our shows or meetings and enjoy the "Greatest Hobby" of model trains.