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North Raleigh Model Railroad ClubNews & Information |
Highlights of the Club's 2016 Annual Meeting Nineteen members and one guest attended the Club's2016 Annual Meeting at the Golden Corral restaurant on Glenwood Avenue in Raleigh.
The Club opened nominations for Officers and a Director for 2016, as follows:
When no further nominations were made a motion to close nominations was made (Motion: Blaustein; Second: Derway). The above named were elected by acclamation.
Gerry Foster has agreed to remain as Education Chairman and David Derway becomes the new Chairman of the Standards Committee.
The meeting adjourned at 7:27pm.
Highlights of the Club's December 2015 Meeting Thirteen members, 10 in person and 3 by Skype plus two guests attended the Club's December 2015 meeting hosted by Joel McCurry. Thanks Joel.
A number of Standards issues were discussed:
The Club opened nominations for Officers and a Director for 2016, as follows:
There was discussion of the functions of the Secretary being primarily that of a Director of Communications.
Highlights of the Club's November 2015 Meeting Eighteen members, 12 in person and 6 by Skype attended the Club's November 2015 meeting hosted by Al Guckes. Thanks Al.
A number of Standards issues were discussed:
John Wallis provided an update on the NTRAK Board meeting on Monday night.
He indicated information on NTRAK 2.0 has been provided to the Board, with balloon module descriptions and photos to come. There was also discussion of upcoming conventions in 2016 (NSE Kansas City; NMRA Indianapolis).
David Derway had earlier agreed to be Chairman of the Standards Committee.
Highlights of the Club's October 2015 Meeting Seventeen members, 10 in person and 7 by Skype attended the Club's October 2015 meeting hosted by Mark Blaustein. Thanks Mark.
A number of Standards issues were discussed:
The Club still needs volunteers for critical positions like Vice-President (2015) and Secretary (2016). Digital Master (2016), Plans are in place for other needed functions.
Nominations for 2016 Officers and a Director will open in November.
Highlights of the Club's September 2015 Meeting Eighteen members, 13 in person and 5 by Skype attended the Club's September 2015 meeting and cookout hosted by Jim Reske. Thanks Jim.
A number of Standards issues were discussed:
The Club still needs volunteers for critical positions like Vice-President (2015), Secretary (2016), Digital Master (2016), Registered Agent (2016), Chairman of the Standards Committee (2016), local Skype Master (2016) and ownership of the Yahoo Groups Email list (2016). The following decision were made:
5-Minute Tips are required for December and for 2016, and Programs for 2016. Advise Gerry Foster if you wish to present a Tip or Program. See the listing below.
Highlights of the Club's August 2015 Meeting Twenty members, 13 in person and 7 by Skype, and one guest attended the Club's August 2015 meeting hosted by Joel McCurry. Thanks Joel.
A number of Standards issues were discussed:
The Club still needs someone to volunteer to be Vice-President. A Digital Master is also needed. These positions are critical.
Older Meeting Notes To access Monthly Meeting Notes older than 6 months Click Here to access the Meeting Notes Archives page for 2015. For meeting notes in PDF format for 2014 click on the link below: |
The following are future Train Shows in which the NRMRC is planning to participate: >
David Derway is taking orders for Club shirts. Estimated price is $20 + shipping for shirts without an embroidered name and $25 + shipping for shirts with name embroidered. Different shirts available are:
The Standards Committee has a number of projects underway, as follows:
Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 7:30pm Host: Dave Koss If you are visiting this area or you are a non-Member and would like an invitation and directions to this meeting, send us an E-mail.
Month | Host | Month | Host |
January 6 |
Annual Meeting |
July 6 |
February 3 |
Dave Koss |
August 3 |
March 2 |
Mark Blaustein |
September 7 |
Jim Reske |
April 6 |
Joe Johnston |
October 5 |
Mark Blaustein |
May 4 |
Todd Shoffeitt |
November 2 |
Al Guckes |
June 1 |
December 7 |
Joel McCurry |
Month | Topic | Presenter |
January |
Annual Meeting |
Annual Meeting |
February |
Repairing Trucks under Heavyweight Passenger Cars |
Rick Dellafave |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
Month | Topic | Presenter |
January |
Annual Meeting & Gift Exchange |
— |
February |
Casting Custom Concrete Bridge Abutments |
David Derway et al |
March |
Intro to JMRI and Selecting Boosters, Decoders |
John Wallis |
April |
Plaster Casting |
Dave Koss |
May |
Scenery Coloring |
Al Zimmerman |
June |
Installing Decoders |
John Wallis |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
February 19 – 21, 201621st Annual
To read articles from TRAKing Ahead, the former Newsletter of the North Raleigh Model Railroad Club, click in the appropriate box below for prototype or model railroad oriented articles, or for stories of actual train trips taken by our Members. |
Articles from TRAKing Ahead |
Articles from TRAKing Ahead |
Articles from TRAKing Ahead — Travel by Train A Commuter Train Named "The Canadian"
Copyright © 1997–2016 North Raleigh Model Railroad Club. All rights reserved.
North Raleigh Model Railroad Club |