Meeting was called to order by Peter Griffin at 7:00 PM at the Pembroke Academy room 2021.
Peter Griffin
Stephen R. Piper
(603) 419-0121
Cara Torrey-Nagy
(603) 798-5844
Almos Nagy
(603) 798-5844
The minutes from the last meeting were distributed and accepted as written.
Tonight’s discussions began with the continuation of ideas for the drafting of a NHRRA brochure. It will be more and more important to have such a document available for the public as we go forth with public informational meetings, attend rail initiative and related meetings at the state level and provide representation at model and trade shows. The following lists tentative ideas deemed appropriate for the brochure and are up for scrutiny and amendment by the NHRRA membership:
The next NHRRA meeting will be open to the public as required by regulations allowing for the cost-free use of the room at the academy. Hopefully, we can inspire good public comment by having full-size visual aids and an outlined agenda. This meeting will likely be advertised and possibly taped for local TV and so it is hoped that NHRRA members will make a good effort to attend to show strength and support for our causes.
Peter agreed to try to reproduce an historic rail map that he has for an easel-mount visual aid and said he would try to locate an electronic version of the NHRRA logo for the brochure.
It was agreed that the meeting minutes should be distributed (in draft form) to the membership within approximately 2 weeks via e-mail to those who have it and by mail to all others. Postage costs can be considerably reduced if all members would take this opportunity to ensure that Peter has their current active e-mail address for this distribution. Members should notify Peter if they wish to continue to receive a hard copy of distributions or if they would be willing to accept electronic distributions only (electronic information can be provided in simple e-mail format or can be downloaded as an attachment).
Cara will e-mail the Renaissance Program information to Peter as they have conceptually agreed to endorse our group. The Renaissance Program is a federally funded 3-year grant to help provide resources to groups dedicated to improving the community. Pembroke is one of the successful communities to receive this assistance. Cara will pursue requesting funding (full or partial) for the brochure printing costs via the Renaissance Program.
Peter said he has petitioned PSNH for funding in the past and will do so again for brochure printing costs if the need arises.
Almos suggested possibly hosting voluntary field trips or outings along potential rail corridors to gain insight into the necessary reconstruction. It was also suggested that we hold a joint meeting with our Maine counterpart, Downeast Rail, for the exchange of ideas. We could possibly schedule a Downeaster trip to meet them at the Portland Transportation Center.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Next meeting: Monday, January 27 at 7 PM, Pembroke Academy
Minutes by: Stephen R. Piper
Stephen R. Piper
Hosted By