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“From Heritage to Vision”

The New Hampshire Railroad Revitalization Association

Making a difference in New Hampshire’s Economic Future through Transportation Research and Education

Intermodal Freight Passenger Tourist

P.O. Box 193, Weare, NH 03281-0193


NHRRA Organization Chart

NHRRA Meeting Minutes

Join the NHRRA






Bass upset at DOT rail plan delay

Rail firm accuses state of impeding asset sales

NH Supreme Count Decision Disallows the use of gasoline tax revenue for any rail initiative.

Train Service Smart for Growth An article from The Exeter News-Letter.

High Speed Rail Study in Jeopardy

Boston-Montreal Rail Service Called Feasible

Lack of money stalls Boston-Montreal train study

Information Resources

America Needs a Balanced Transportation System

Northern New England High Speed Rail Corridor 

Hillsborough Branch 2001 Rail Survey Over the past year and a half, New Hampshire Railroad Revitalization Association members Tom Greenman and Ron Wood have been researching and conducting a survey of the State of NH owned portion of the Hillsborough Branch from Wilton, NH to Bennington, NH. During the course of this survey, over twenty (20) companies through out the Souhegan Valley area were contacted in regards to their view on rail. Specifically, whether they would use rail service or support the restoration of rail service either freight or tourist passenger on the Hillsborough line.

NH Railroads in the News

Rail Link between Portland ME and White River Jct VT 

Integrated Transport & Railroad Council Meeting notes  - March 19, 2002

Rail Awareness for Youth (Boy Scout RR Merit Badge)
Transportation Briefs

Background Information

Historic Railroad Mileage Charts Boston & Maine Railroad - July 1, 1923

Maps and Aerial Photographs

Copyright 1996-2002 by the New Hampshire Railroad Revitalization Association
This page was last updated on
June 19, 2004

Peter Griffin, President
New Hampshire Railroad Revitalization Association
P.O. Box 193, Weare, NH 03281

Webmaster: Bill Vayens