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This page contians photos of Amtrak & Freight trains as well as some sound clips of trains (.wav and .mp3). All photos are mine, unless noted. I started my hobby of photography because of trains, and some of my earlier photos display my learning curve.
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"Amtrak &Freight Trains" was created by Matt Donnelly. All contents of these pages are his, except the "Amtrak Model Page," which is the property of Tom Batts - anything else on these pages that do not belong to me have been added with permission. If you feel I have made an error, please feel free to bring it to my attention. Everything contained on these pages is strictly for PERSONAL USE ONLY! Permission must be granted by the owner for any other use. The small train GIFs that are displayed throughout my site were drawn by Dan Klitzing of Dan's Depot (thanx Dan!). Oh yeah, I am NOT affiliated with the NRPC, Amtrak. If you are looking for a job with Amtrak, reservations and/or ticket information, please visit their website at www/amtrak.com. Thank you for visiting!
Since February 16, 1997.