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A shot of Joe Barcia, the Vice President of the JLS
Railroad, detailing the SawMill Complex
A completed shot of the SawMill Complex
notice the pulpwood bins to the left
Another shot of the SawMill Complex
As yard detialing proceeded, vehicles started to arrive
up to the H-yard,
such as this POLA Goli Utility Vehicle
A shot of the sand depot and ash pit after detailing.
We still have the lift pipe to lay from the pit to the top of
the sand depot.
A cut of cars parked infront of the SawMill
Here, a shot of Accucraft's Goose under repair. This
model was so bad, it derailed on stock LGB switches and only had
1 power pick-up contact per side! After reworking the wheels,
adding weights, new contacts, and totally rewiring the entire
engine, it runs, finally. Spearheading this adventure was Keith
Denton, thanks Keith!
A shot of Joe Barcia installing a Phoenix Sound System
in our NW2.
A nice overall shot of the yard. As can be seen, the
layout has seen alot of progress!