- At this point in the H-Yard's (Helix and Helix Yard) development, we have reached the culmination of our construction. It has been a long 23 months. At this point, there isn't much left to do. Recently having finished the enormous Coal Depot, we find that everything is done, aside from a few odds and ends. Ballast was laid and scenery powders laid on the track heading into the tunnel, descending the helix. Everything was cleaned, everything works, everything is done! For a more detailed description of the Helix Construction, please subscribe to the JLS Railroad Update, click here to check it out. Also, go to the Photo Archive for hundreds of photos detailing the construction.
- Our short, 40 foot Trolley line which connects Oberndorf to Waldou and runs parallel to the MainLine along the back end of the layout, has no interchange point with the MainLine. This project has been along time coming. The Trolley and Schnout RailBus have no way of getting to the MainLine or any other adjoining line, nor can we get any cars onto the siding near Waldou. In order to rectify this situation, we will be adding a simple 2 switch interchange between the two lines. The switches will be LGB 1200 series with the lighted switch lantern. The interchange will be insulated to allow for the continued independent operation of both the MainLine and the Trolley Line.
- With the addition of the Helix, the E-yard (which is the 10 track staging yard located beneath the table) is now surrounded by the tiers of the helix making it virtually inaccessible. It really isn't a problem though, because LGB rolling stock and engines are built to such a high standard of quality that derailments virtually never happen. One thing is a problem though, during switching operations it is very difficult to cut a string of cars on the siding realistically. Presently we uncouple right before going underneath the table and push or roll the cars back. To rectify this bit of unprototypical running, we will be installing some of LGB's automatic uncouplers in about 7 locations beyond our reach. This will enable the ease of uncoupling during the numerous switching operations.
Brunig Rack Steam Locomotive (LGB# 20471) $699.99 (TrainLand) ACQUIRED
0-4-4-0T Sachsen Steam Locomotive (LGB# 20841) $669.99 (TrainLand) ACQUIRED
FO Panorama Passenger Car (LGB# 30660) $TBA (TrainLand)
Cardinal Reefer (LGB# 42285) $TBA (TrainLand) ACQUIRED
Fish Delievery Car (LGB# 47350) $61.99 (TrainLand) ACQUIRED
Union Pacific Steel Boxcar (LGB# 47915) $61.99 (TrainLand) ACQUIRED