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The mogul exits the tunnel traveling to the front of
the main line and trestle, a 45 foot run.
The mogul crosses the truss bridge and onto the trestle.
The 2028D crossing the pond under Truss bridge.
The 2019S with five passenger cars coming into Canyon
City Station.
2028D with consist of coal hopper rounding the bend
on the way to Canyon City.
Night shot of rear section of layout, looks nice at
night with the building lights
On the left is the latest addition to the railroad,
coming from the main connecting to the
lower line; approximately a 5% grade. A lash-up of two LGB WP&Y
diesels is descending.
To the right an Aristo C- 16 with a string of shorty passengers
in tow.
Same scene as above picture, but from rear angle.
WP&Y waiting for C16 to pass switch and then proceed
onto the lower main loop.