To carry on all or any of the businesses of electrical
and light, heat, motive power, water supply, and sanitary and general
engineers, manufacturers and dealers in motor carriages, traction
engines, locomotives, railway carriages, tramway cars, cycles,
bicycles, tricycles, velocipedes and any other kinds of carriages,
engines and vehicles whether drawn, propelled or worked by
electricity, steam, gas, oil, animals, human beings or
otherwise; and plant and machinery of all kinds and also miners
smelters, colliery proprietors, coal and coke merchants, machinists,
fitters, metal founders, workers, converters, and merchants,
metallurgists, boilermakers, millwrights, smiths, carpenters, and
joiners, wood-workers, builders, painters, enamellers, annealers,
gas makers, printers, box and packing case makers, proprietors of
vans, wagons and other vehicles, carriers and warehousemen.