Page 2 of 8
— Pages 3-8 Under Construction
Complete Roster:
Page: |
Numbers: |
Qty: |
Builder: |
Model: |
Built: |
At: |
Platforms: |
Page 1 |
UP, not yet known |
10 |
2010 |
EMD London |
Not yet delivered |
UPY 894-899 |
6 |
Railpower |
RP20CD |
2007-9 |
SD40-2 |
Roseville, CA |
UPY 2004 |
1 |
Railpower |
GG20B |
2004 |
Alstom AB |
To RJ Corman RP20BD |
UPY 2005 |
1 |
2GS14B |
2005 |
Mt. Vernon |
Southern California |
This Page |
UP 1298-1299 |
2 |
MK Rail |
MK1200G |
1994 |
Boise, ID |
Retired, to BNSF 1202-1203 |
UPY 2300-2319 |
20 |
Railpower |
GG20B |
2005-6 |
MPI/Alstm/CAD |
GE B-boat |
Texas/LA |
Page 3 |
UPY 2602-2626 |
25 |
Railpower |
RP20BD |
2006-7 |
SSteel, CAD |
GE B-boats |
Texas |
Page 4 |
UPY 2627-2651 |
25 |
Railpower |
RP20BD |
2006-7 |
SSteel, CAD |
GE B-boats |
Texas |
Page 5 |
UPY 2652-2676 |
25 |
Railpower |
RP20BD |
2006-7 |
SSteel, CAD |
GE B-boats |
Texas |
Page 6 |
UPY 2677-2699 |
23 |
Railpower |
RP20BD |
2006-7 |
SSteel, CAD |
GE B-boats |
Texas |
Page 7 |
UPY 2701-2730 |
30 |
3GS21B |
2006-7 |
All sites |
New |
Los Angeles Basin, CA |
Page 8 |
UPY 2731-2760 |
30 |
3GS21B |
2007 |
All sites |
New |
Los Angeles Basin, CA |
Model: MK Rail MK1200G - 2 units, 2 off roster
1,200 hp single engine liquified natural gas-fueled locomotive, engine: 1 - Caterpillar G3516 V-16, on 4 axles.
Number: |
Owner: |
Unit: |
Built: |
At: |
New Build
Date: |
Number: |
Notes: |
UP 1298 |
Union Pacific |
B&M 1729 |
May. 1957 |
Boise, ID |
Jul. 1994 |
Ret., to BNSF 1202 |
1, 2, A |
UP 1299 |
Union Pacific |
SBD 2358 |
Sep. 1950 |
Boise, ID |
Jul. 1994 |
2092-2 |
Ret., to BNSF 1203 |
1, 2, A |
General Notes:
1. Though not technically a Tier 2-compliant switcher, the LNG-fueled MK1200G is included in this site because of its forward thinking design that was ultra low emissions before the EPA’s tier system had even been conceived. Two each were built in 1994 for testing by Santa Fe and Union Pacific, and all four still remain in service for BNSF in Los Angeles. There is a very detailed summary of the testing of these units and description of them at this link: http://www.users.qwest.net/~kryopak/mk1200G.htm.
2. Built to run long-hood forward.
A. Once delivered, UP 1298 and 1299 were put into service in Salt Lake City, UT, then transferred to Los Angeles in July 1994, but were out of service until special fueling facilities could be constructed in Sept. 1994. Both units were retired when the lease expired on 1 July 1998, and were returned to MPI. They were later sold to BNSF, where they became BNSF 1202 and 1203.
Number |
Core Unit
Number |
Core Unit
Model |
Date |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Notes |
UP 1298 |
B&M 1729 |
May. 1957 |
23227 |
7549-03 |
B&M 1729 |
UP 1298 |
BNSF 1202 |
A |
UP 1299 |
SBD 2358 |
Sep. 1950 |
10548 |
5024-02 |
NCSL 707 |
L&N 1707 |
L&N 475 |
L&N 2358 |
SBD 2358 |
B |
A. UP 1298, core unit information from Don Strack’s All Tme UP roster (http://utahrails.net/all-time/all-time-21.php#mk12g-1298) with addition information from the Unofficial EMD Homepage: (http://www.trainweb.org/emdloco/23200.htm). To BNSF 1202.
B. UP 1299, rebuilt by M-K in 1994 as Natural Gas switcher for UP use in Los Angeles area; to BNSF 1203. History from LocoNotes.com: http://www.locophotos.com/~locophot/PhotoDetails.php?PhotoID=102360.
Model: Railpower GG20B (UP class GG20GE) - 20 units
2,000 hp rated hybrid locomotive, engine: 1-300hp Cat C9 genset plus battery bank, on 4 axle GP-type frame.
Number: |
Owner: |
Unit: |
Built: |
At: |
New Build
Date: |
Number: |
Notes: |
UPY 2300 |
Union Pacific |
UP 134 |
Nov. 1979 |
MPI Boise |
May. 2005 |
2RPGGB20852000017 |
Texas |
1, 2, 3, A |
UPY 2301 |
Union Pacific |
UP 204 |
Nov. 1981 |
MPI Boise |
Sep. 2005 |
Texas |
1, 2, 3, B, C |
UPY 2302 |
Union Pacific |
UP 137 |
Nov. 1979 |
MPI Boise |
Sep. 2005 |
Texas |
1, 2, 3, B, D |
UPY 2303 |
Union Pacific |
UP 148 |
Dec. 1979 |
MPI Boise |
Oct. 2005 |
Texas |
1, 2, 3, E, F |
UPY 2304 |
Union Pacific |
SP 7861 |
Apr. 1979 |
MPI Boise |
Oct. 2005 |
Texas |
1, 2, 3, E, G |
UPY 2305 |
Union Pacific |
UP 7787 |
Apr. 1980 |
MPI Boise |
Oct. 2005 |
Texas |
1, 2, 3, H |
UPY 2306 |
Union Pacific |
UP 109 |
Apr. 1980 |
MPI Boise |
Nov. 2005 |
Texas |
1, 2, 3, I |
UPY 2307 |
Union Pacific |
SP 7883 |
May. 1979 |
MPI Boise |
Nov. 2005 |
Texas |
1, 2, 3, J |
UPY 2308 |
Union Pacific |
UP 221 |
Dec. 1981 |
MPI Boise |
Dec. 2005 |
Texas |
1, 2, 3, J |
UPY 2309 |
Union Pacific |
UP 175 |
Apr. 1981 |
MPI Boise |
Dec. 2005 |
Texas |
1, 2, 3, K, L |
UPY 2310 |
Union Pacific |
UP 262 |
Mar. 1980 |
Alstom AB |
Jun. 2006 |
California |
4, 5, M, N |
UPY 2311 |
Union Pacific |
UP 7781 |
Mar. 1980 |
Alstom AB |
Jun. 2006 |
California |
4, 5, M, N |
UPY 2312 |
Union Pacific |
UP 7814 |
Mar. 1978 |
CAD Rail |
Sep. 2006 |
1RPGGB20265000060 |
California |
4, 5, O, P |
UPY 2313 |
Union Pacific |
CSXT 3127 |
1978 |
CAD Rail |
May. 2006 |
1RPGGB20465000061 |
California |
4, 5, O, Q |
UPY 2314 |
Union Pacific |
NS 3984 |
Jan. 1979 |
CAD Rail |
May. 2006 |
1RPGGB208650000633 |
California |
4, 5, O, R |
UPY 2315 |
Union Pacific |
NS 3981 |
Jan. 1979 |
CAD Rail |
May. 2006 |
1RPGGB20665000062 |
California |
4, 5, O, S |
UPY 2316 |
Union Pacific |
UP 7786 |
Mar. 1980 |
Super Steel |
Jun. 2006 |
California |
4, 5, M, T |
UPY 2317 |
Union Pacific |
UP 7774 |
Mar. 1980 |
Super Steel |
Jun. 2006 |
California |
4, 5, M, T, U |
UPY 2318 |
Union Pacific |
UP 257 |
Jun. 1980 |
Alstom AB |
Sep. 2006 |
California |
4, 5, M, T |
UPY 2319 |
Union Pacific |
UP 7818 |
Apr. 1978 |
Alstom AB |
Sep. 2006 |
California |
4, 5, M, T |
General Notes:
1. UPY 2300-2309 were funded by the Texas Emissions Reduction Program (TERP) and built at MPI Boise, ID using General Electric B23-7A core units. As such, they are classed by UP as GG20GE. From Don Strack’s UP Roster page (http://utahrails.net/all-time/upy-03.php#gg20gp-upy2000).
2. UPY 2300-2309 are designated for use in the Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth area. From Union Pacific’s Low Emissions Projects page (http://www.uprr.com/she/emg/programs/paper09_05/emissions.shtml).
3. UPY 2300-2309 were the only Gen. II green goats built. They can be distinguished from earlier Gen. I green goats by the electrical cabinet. On the Gen. I units, it is slightly taller than the back of the hood. On the Gen. II units, it is not. All ten units were upgraded to Gen. IV specs in 2008-2009.
4. UPY 2310-2319 were the first large order for Railpower to be built without government funding. They were built using retired B30-7 and B30-7A units, and are classed by UP as GG20GE. From various sources. Units 2310-2319 intended for service in California. From UP press release, August 15, 2005. (http://www.uprr.com/newsinfo/releases/environment/2005/0815_ggoat.shtml).
5. The pool of units for conversion to UPY 2310-2319 is: UP 7774, 7781, 7786, 7812 and 262 (all GE B30-7) and UP 209, 211, 222, 239 and 257 (all GE B30-7A). From the Bytown Railway Society Branchline Magazine. April, 2006 issue, page 27. This later proved to be incorrect for several units.
A. UPY 2300 suffered a battery fire in early 2006. From Don Strack's Utah Rails website (http://utahrails.net/all-time/all-time-02.php#b23-100) Interchanged to CP in February, 2006. From UP equipment trace. Reported at CAD Rail (Lachine, QB) in Feb. 2006 for repairs. From Canadian Railway Observations April, 2006 issue. (http://www.trainnet.org/documents/CRO_0406.pdf) Also spotted by Marc Caya with primered hood over the battery compartment. Upgraded to Gen. IV and ready to ship from CAD to Fort Worth in early Nov. 2008. Shipped back to UP in December, 2008.
B. UPY 2301-2302 in Fort Worth, TX July, 2006. At FWWR yard getting batteries replaced in mid-July. Info from UP equipment trace, battery info from Railspot users Mike Murray and Ken Fitzgerald.
C. UPY 2301 moved to CAD Rail in Lachine, Quebec in late 2007 for upgrade work to Gen. IV standards. Returned in November 2008 after upgrades. Spotted southbound on CP train 235/23 in Smiths Falls, ON on Nov. 24, 2008.
D. UPY 2302 moved to CAD Rail in Lachine, Quebec in late 2007 for upgrade work to Gen. IV standards. Released at the end of August 2008. This was the first of the Gen. II to Gen. IV upgrades to be completed. The only exterior changes apparent are the upgrades to the battery compartment, as evidenced by the larger battery vents, and a pronounced seam where the new (?) hood sections are afixed.
E. UP 2303-2304 had battery changes at FWWR yard in Fort Worth, TX July, 2006. From various sightings and sources.
F. 2303 moved to CAD Rail in Lachine, Quebec in late 2007 for upgrade work to Gen. IV standards. Unit was spotted in CP's St. Luc yard in Montreal on Nov. 25, 2008, and moved to Toronto on CP train 245/27.
G. UPY 2304 moved to CAD Rail in Lachine, Quebec in late 2007 for upgrade work to Gen. IV standards. Upgrades completed in Oct. 2008, and the unit was set to move back south to Fort Worth via CP to Chicago as of Oct. 12.
H. 2305 moved to CAD Rail in Lachine, Quebec in late 2007 for upgrade work to Gen. IV standards. Shipped back to UP in December, 2008.
I. 2306 moved to CAD Rail in Lachine, Quebec in late 2007 for upgrade work to Gen. IV standards. Released in mid-Jan. 2009 and moved by CP back to UP in Chicago.
J. UPY 2307-2308 moved to CAD Rail in Lachine, Quebec in late 2007 for upgrade work to Gen. IV standards. They were both observed complete in Feb. 2009. After a protracted stay at CAD following the collapse of Railpower and subsequent sale to RJ Corman in early 2009, the units finally were delivered, departing Montreal on September 24, 2009 on CP train #235.
K. Various discussions on Trainorders.com mentioned that fire crews were called in Houston for a fire in the 2309. June 2006. 2309 is sidelined in Baytown, TX with apparent fire damage. Extra 2200 South #129 mentions the fire on page 23. Unit repaired at Gulf Coast Rail and returned to service. From sightings and contact with GCR.
L. UPY 2309 moved to CAD Rail in Lachine, Quebec in late 2007 for upgrade work to Gen. IV standards. Released just before Christmas 2008 and moved by CP to Chicago, where it was handed off to UP in early January 2009.
M. Several UPY GG20B's have been used in Albina, OR (Portland) as part of a break-in period. Locomotives used include the 2310, 2311, 2316, 2317, 2318 and 2319. From an article in the Portland Tribune (http://www.railpower.com/dl/media/media_2006_06_27_portlandtribune.pdf), reprinted by Railpower. Unit numbers filled in from UP Equipment Traces and sightings.
N. Units 2310-2311 built at Alstom's Calgary shops. From the Bytown Railway Society "Branchline", April 2006 issue, page 27.
O. Units 2312-2315 built at CAD Rail in Lachine, Quebec.
P. Completed UPY 2312 spotted in Montreal, Quebec on Sept. 1, 2006. Doing testing/break-in work in UP's Proviso Yard as of early Sept. 2006.
Q. Complete UPY 2313 spotted in Montreal, Quebec on Aug. 24, 2006. Working in UP's Proviso Yard as of early Sept. 2006.
R. UPY 2314 spotted on a Chicago-bound CP train on Sept. 30, 2006. Expected to join the 2312 and 2313 in UP's Proviso Yard for break-in work.
S. 2315 spotted on a Chicago-bound CP train in mid-Nov., 2006. Expected to spend its break-in period in UP's Proviso Yard. From Loconotes and Trainorders.com.
T. According to the Bytown Railway Society "Branchline", April 2006 issue, page 27, units 2316-2319 were to be built at Super Steel Schenectady, NY. Units were actually built at Alstom in Calgary, AB.
U. UPY 2317 was in Calgary in late June, and shipped to Albina, OR in early July 2006. In Roseville, CA in mid-August, 2006. From UP equipment trace and sightings by Robert Ulberg.
Number |
Core Unit
Number |
Core Unit
Model |
Date |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Number |
Notes |
UPY 2300 |
UP 134 |
GE B23-7 |
Nov. 1979 |
42684 |
MP 2323 |
MP 4634 |
UP 134 |
UPY 2300 |
A |
UPY 2301 |
UP 204 |
GE B30-7A |
Nov. 1981 |
43739 |
MP 4804 |
UP 204 |
UPY 2301 |
B |
UPY 2302 |
UP 137 |
GE B23-7 |
Nov. 1979 |
42687 |
MP 2326 |
MP 4367 |
UP 137 |
UPY 2302 |
C |
UPY 2303 |
UP 148 |
GE B23-7 |
Dec. 1979 |
42698 |
MP 2337 |
MP 4648 |
UP 148 |
UPY 2303 |
D |
UPY 2304 |
SP 7861 |
GE B30-7 |
Apr. 1979 |
42246 |
SP 7861 |
UPY 2304 |
E |
UPY 2305 |
UP 7787 |
GE B30-7 |
Apr. 1980 |
42801 |
SSW 7787 |
UP 7787 |
UPY 2305 |
F |
UPY 2306 |
UP 109 |
GE B23-7 |
Apr. 1980 |
41781 |
MP 2298 |
MP 4609 |
UP 109 |
UPY 2306 |
G |
UPY 2307 |
SP 7883 |
GE B30-7 |
May. 1979 |
42268 |
SP 7883 |
UPY 2307 |
G |
UPY 2308 |
UP 221 |
GE B30-7A |
Dec. 1981 |
43756 |
MP 4821 |
UP 221 |
UPY 2308 |
G |
UPY 2309 |
UP 175 |
GE B23-7 |
Apr. 1981 |
43538 |
MP 4675 |
UP 175 |
UPY 2309 |
G |
UPY 2310 |
UP 262 |
GE B30-7A |
Mar. 1980 |
42790 |
SSW 7776 |
UP 262 |
UPY 2310 |
H |
UPY 2311 |
UP 7781 |
GE B30-7 |
Mar. 1980 |
42795 |
SSW 7781 |
UP 7781 |
UPY 2311 |
I |
UPY 2312 |
UP 7814 |
GE B30-7 |
Mar. 1978 |
41872 |
SP 7814 |
UP 7814 |
UPY 2312 |
J |
UPY 2313 |
CSXT 3127 |
GE B23-7 |
1978 |
41737 |
L&N 5128 |
CSXT 3127 |
PW 2214 |
RMDI 2214 |
UPY 2313 |
K |
UPY 2314 |
NS 3984 |
GE B23-7 |
Jan. 1979 |
41993 |
SOU 3984 |
NS 3984 |
BDLX 3984 |
UPY 2314 |
L |
UPY 2315 |
NS 3981 |
GE B23-7 |
Jan. 1979 |
41990 |
SOU 3981 |
NS 3981 |
BDLX 3981 |
UPY 2315 |
M |
UPY 2316 |
UP 7786 |
GE B30-7 |
Mar. 1980 |
42800 |
SSW 7786 |
UP 7786 |
UPY 2316 |
N |
UPY 2317 |
UP 7774 |
GE B30-7 |
Mar. 1980 |
42788 |
SSW 7774 |
UP 7774 |
UPY 2317 |
O |
UPY 2318 |
UP 257 |
GE B23-7M |
Jun. 1980 |
43028 |
MP 4667 |
UP 257 |
UPY 2318 |
O |
UPY 2319 |
UP 7818 |
GE B30-7 |
Apr. 1978 |
41876 |
SP 7818 |
UP 7818 |
UPY 2319 |
O |
A. UPY 2300 original number from Extra 2200 South, #127. Historical data from Don Strack's Utah Rails website (http://utahrails.net/all-time/all-time-02.php#b23-100).
B. UPY 2301 original number supplied by check of Blue Card, augmented by Don Strack's Utah Rails website (http://utahrails.net/all-time/all-time-02.php#b23-100).
C. UPY 2302 original number supplied by check of Blue Card, augmented by Don Strack's Utah Rails website (http://utahrails.net/all-time/all-time-02.php#b23-100).
D. UPY 2303 original unit number verified from FRA blue card in cab. From Richard Whitenight. Previous unit history from Don Strack's Modern Era UP Roster (http://utahrails.net/all-time/modern-index.php).
E. UPY 2304 original unit number verified from FRA blue card in cab. From Richard Whitenight. Previous unit history from Don Strack's Modern Era UP Roster (http://utahrails.net/all-time/modern-index.php).
F. 2305’s previous unit number from Extra 2200 South #128, pg. 23 with additional information from Don Strack's Modern Era Union Pacific Roster (http://utahrails.net/all-time/modern-index.php).
G. UPY 2306, 2307, 2308, 2309 previous unit numbers from Extra 2200 South #128, pg. 23 with additional information from Don Strack's Modern Era Union Pacific Roster (http://utahrails.net/all-time/modern-index.php).
H. UPY 2310 original unit number from Extra 2200 South #129, pg. 21 with additional information from Don Strack's Modern Era UP Roster (http://utahrails.net/all-time/modern-index.php).
I. UPY 2311 original unit number confirmed from FRA Blue Card, with unit history filled in from Don Strack's Modern Era UP Roster (http://utahrails.net/all-time/modern-index.php).
J. 2312's previous unit history from Don Strack's Modern Era UP Roster (http://utahrails.net/all-time/modern-index.php).
K. I don’t think I’ve had a research project go as far awry as the history for UPY 2313, which is a mish-mash of several sources. I hope I have this all correct. Previous unit number from Don Strack's Modern Era UP Roster (http://utahrails.net/all-time/upy-03.php#gg20ge-upy2300) and the Sept. 2006 issue of Candian Railway Observations, with original L&N number from the CSX Photo Archives (http://www.trainweb.org/csxphotos/html/B23-7.html), builder’s number and disposition to Providence & Worcester from RRPictureArchives (http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/locoPicture.aspx?id=104713), and disposition to RDMI from the All-Time roster on the website of the Providence & Worcester Railfan’s Club and Museum, (http://www.pwrfc.net/roster.html).
L. UPY 2314’s core unit heritage from RRPictureArchives (http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/locoPicture.aspx?id=46812) Original number from Don Strack’s Modern UP Roster (http://utahrails.net/all-time/upy-03.php#gg20ge-upy2300).
M. 2315’s previous unit number and history provided by LocoNotes user Al Gorney, along with the comment that NS 3981 was cut down at RMDI, and was one of over a dozen GE Dash 7 locomotives cut down at Pittston, PA and Utica, NY for the program. According to a blue card check.
N. UPY 2316 original number verified from FRA blue card, with history filled in from Don Strack's Utah Rails UP roster (http://utahrails.net/all-time/modern-index.php). Build date taken from initial inspection date on blue card.
O. UPY 2317, 2318 and 2319 original core unit numbers from Extra 2200 South #129, pg. 21 with additional information from Don Strack's Modern Era UP Roster (http://utahrails.net/all-time/modern-index.php).
Photos: (Click to enlarge)
UP 1298
MK1200G |
UP 1299
MK1200G |
Photos Coming Soon |
UPY 2300
GG20B |
UPY 2301
GG20B |
UPY 2302
GG20B |
UPY 2303
RP20CD |
UPY 2304
GG20B |
UPY 2305
GG20B |
UPY 2306
GG20B |
UPY 2307
GG20B |
UPY 2308
GG20B |
UPY 2309
GG20B |
UPY 2310
GG20B |
UPY 2311
GG20B |
UPY 2312
GG20B |
UPY 2313
RP20CD |
UPY 2314
GG20B |
UPY 2315
GG20B |
UPY 2316
GG20B |
UPY 2317
GG20B |
UPY 2318
GG20B |
UPY 2319
GG20B |