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CP 670-676 - Canadian Pacific Railway Locomotive Roster and Photo Archives
CPR Canadian Pacific Railway
Locomotive Roster and Photo Archives

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Copyright � 2000 Milepost 57 Rail Productions

Roster info on this page will be removed as each unit gains it's own photo/info page.
Unit Builder Model B/N B/D Paint Notes
670 EMD SD40-2 756153-4 1976 HLCX/KCS-670; re# 5415
671 EMD SD40-2 756153-5 1976 HLCX/KCS-671; re# 5416
672 EMD SD40-2 756153-6 1976 HLCX/KCS-672; re# 5417
673 EMD SD40-2 756154-1 1976 HLCX/KCS-673; re# 5418
674 EMD SD40-2 756154-2 1976 HLCX/KCS-674; re# 5419
675 EMD SD40-2 756155-1 1976 HLCX/KCS-675; re# 5420
676 EMD SD40-2 756155-2 1976 HLCX/KCS-676; re# 5421
Units 5415-5421 were originally KCS 670-676, leased from HELM in 1992 as HLCX 670-676, purchased in Decmeber 1992 and relettered CP 670-676 with red "CP Rail" decals, still in KCS white paint.  Units then became CP 5415-5421 as they were shopped and painted into the "Dual-Flag" scheme, with the exception of 5416-5417 which were renumbered while still white.