<--- pre 1968 schemes remaining to be done
---> |
CP Rail (1968) "Action Red" variations: |
A5L |
Action Red, 5" nose/cab front stripes, large multimark. This was the
first "CP Rail" paint scheme. The last unit delivered in this scheme was SD40-2
#5717 in 1975. |
A5M |
Action Red, 5" nose/cab front stripes, small multi. This version was
applied only to GM hood units. Units so painted had a red area above the height of the
multimark on the rear of the long hood. |
A5Mc |
Action Red, 5" nose/cab stripes, multi on cab (endcab switchers
only). In all likelihood, all switchers with 5" stripes had multimarks on the cab and
road numbers on the hood. |
A8Lf |
Action Red, 8" nose stripes, large multi, white frame stripe. SD40-2
#5700 was the prototype unit (1975) in this scheme followed by SD40-2's #5718-5777. |
A8L |
Action Red, 8" nose stripes, large multi. 1977-78 deliveries came in
this scheme including SD40-2's 5837-64, 5778-99, 5900-14. |
A8M |
Action Red, 8" nose stripes, small multi. After 1979 and beginning
with SD40-2 #5915, the white frame stripe was dropped. |
A8Mc |
Action Red, 8" nose stripes, multi on cab (endcab switchers only). |
A8Mh |
Action Red, 8" nose stripes, multi on hood immediately in front of
the cab (endcab switchers only). |
A8NM |
Action Red, 8" nose stripes, no multimark. SD40 #5513 was one of the
first to appear in this scheme in late 1987. The only new deliveries in this scheme were
SD40-2F’s #9000-9024. |
CP Rail System (1993) variations: |
C/DF |
Candy Apple Red, Full "CP Rail System" lettering and "Dual
Flag" logo. First unit repainted was SD40-2 #6034 in April 1993. The only new
deliveries in this scheme were AC4400CW’s #9500-9582 and rebuilt SD40M-2's
#5490-5499. |
Candy Apple Red, "CP Rail System" lettering but no "Dual
Flag" logo. This variation was intended for yard units only. |
Candy Apple Red, but lettered "CP Rail" only. This was an
interim variation applied to very few units during the summer of 1997 while CPR was trying
to develop an identity, but after they had dropped the "Dual-Flag" logo. |
Canadian Pacific Railway (1997)
variations: |
Candy Apple Red, "Canadian Pacific" lettering with Beaver Logo
on hood. First units repainted were AC4400CW #9581 and GP38-2 #3069 in September 1997.
First new deliveries were AC4400CW’s #9583-9683. |
CPRx |
Candy Apple Red, "Canadian Pacific" lettering without Beaver
Logo. A few units were outshopped without logos just prior to unveiling of the
"Beaver" logo as CPR was attempting to keep the design secret. |
CPRc |
Candy Apple Red, "Canadian Pacific" lettering with Beaver Logo
on cab. Mainly used for yard engines. |
Candy Apple Red, "EXPRESSWAY" logo on hood, CP on nose. |
** These schemes variously
used solid white or red/white-dashed frame stripes. |
Interim schemes |
xUP |
Union Pacific yellow with red CP markings (Units 5422,5424-5426,5428-5431
only.) |
xKCS |
Kansas City Southern white with red CP markings (Units 670-676 and
5416,5417 only.) |
xNS |
Norfolk Southern black with white CP markings (Units 3244-3254 and
5484,5485 only.) |
Primer with CP or STLH markings (Units 5447-5449 only.). |
xB&M |
B&M blue with CP markings (Units 4651/4657 only.) |
xGTI |
Guilford gray with CP markings (Units 4650,4652-4656 only.) |
xSOOr |
SOO red with CP markings. (Units 6619 and 6623 only.) |
xSOOw |
SOO white with CP markings. (Units 6618, 6620, 6621 and 6622 only.) |
** These are the major
variations. Minor variations are included as notes. |
& Hudson (1995) |