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CP 1100 ... 1160 - Canadian Pacific Railway Locomotive Roster and Photo Archives
CPR Canadian Pacific Railway
Locomotive Roster and Photo Archives

1100 ... 1160
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1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109
1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119
1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129
1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159

Copyright � 2000 Milepost 57 Rail Productions

Roster info on this page will be removed as each unit gains it's own photo/info page.
Unit Builder Model B/N Conv. Paint Notes
1100:1 MLW>CP Air Rep. 77276   ? ---- 4085
Air Repeater Car 1100 was converted from FA-2 4085, now scrapped.
1100:2 MLW>CP Cab Car M3436-04 1995 A8NM 4236
1102 MLW>CP Cab Car 84851 1995 A8L 4213
1103 MLW>CP Cab Car 84844 1995 A8NM 4206
1104 MLW>CP Cab Car 84864 1996 A8L 4226
"Control Cabs" 1100,1102-1104 were originally C-424's.
1116 MLW>CP Cab Car 81621 1995 A8NM 1802/8746
1117 MLW>CP Cab Car 82422 1996 A8NM 1836/8796
"Control Cabs" 1116-1117 were originally RS-18's.
1125 GMD>CP Cab Car A2045 1996 CPRS 5012/8212:1
1126 GMD>CP Cab Car A2035 1996 CCP 5002/8202:1
1127 GMD>CP Cab Car A2036 1997 CCP 5003/8203:1
1128 GMD>CP Cab Car A2086 1997 CCP 5021
"Control Cabs" 1125-1128 were originally GP35's.
1150 GMD>CP Cab Car A1482 1999 A8NM 1214/8102
1151 GMD>CP Cab Car A489 1999 ?? 1204/7400
1152 EMD>CP Cab Car 23527 2000 ?? Converted from fuel tender SOO-4003 which was made originally from MILW GP9 946/260/2368.
"Hump Control Cabs" are mated with pairs of SD40-2's.
1153 GMD>CP Cab Car 2003 ??
1154 GMD>CP Cab Car A1895 2003 ?? 1248/8149
1155 GMD>CP Cab Car 2003 ??
1156 GMD>CP Cab Car A1736 2003 ?? 8136
1157 GMD>CP Cab Car 2003 ??
1158 GMD>CP Cab Car 2003 ??
1159 GMD>CP Cab Car 2003 ??
1160 GMD>CP Cab Car A1917 2003 ?? 8171
"Control Cabs" 1153-1160 were originally model SW1200RS.