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CP 329-331 - Canadian Pacific Railway Locomotive Roster and Photo Archives
CPR Canadian Pacific Railway
Locomotive Roster and Photo Archives

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Copyright � 2000-2004 Milepost 57 Rail Productions

Roster info on this page will be removed as each unit gains it's own photo/info page.
Unit Builder Model B/N B/D Paint Notes
329 EMD SW1200 20052 1954 ---- DRI-108/MILW-611/2059
330 EMD SW1200 18763 1954 ---- DRI-109/MILW-619/1642
331 EMD SW1200 20043 1954 ---- DRI-602/MILW-602/2050
Units 329-331 acquired in 1995 with the purchase of the Davenport, Rock Island & North Western Railway.  All were painted CPRS, and were sold to I&M Rail Link in 1997; re# IMRL 12-14 respectively.