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Foothill Rails--Home Page

Last updated Aug. 31, 2024

    There's trains in them thar hills!! In the Sierra Foothills many shortlines once flourished. Some lasted only a couple years while some lasted several dozens of years. Amongst their purposes,
they served mines and quarries or hauled logs, goods, equipment, or passengers. This site will explore both the history and present states of a few such railroads located in the heart of the
"Gold Country" of Placer, El Dorado and Amador Counties in California and act as your tour guide.

    Maps, photos, history briefs and various rosters will be just some of the features presented here. Many more items and articles will be added as information is found or contributed.

    On the left you'll find the eight 'featured' railroads of this site. Directly below, you can find a map showing their relationship. On the right you'll find loco rosters for most Northern
California shortlines, past and present. The Extra Board displays photos from throughout the Sierra Foothills.

    This site is dedicated in memory of my late father, John Barnhill Sr., as he is most responsible for my interest in this area. Many summers of my childhood were spent camping in the woods
of the Georgetown Divide area where one such railroad, Michigan-California Lumber, once had a multitude of spurs and branches. On a large number of these camping trips, my father would
point out to me where rails had at one time wound through the forest. Thus a spark was ignited in my subconscience only to explode later into an inferno of interest in both trains, in general,
and local railroads, in particular, both past and present. This site is just one such manifestation of my hobby, or illness as some might call it.

Click Here For

Area Rail Map

   I welcome and encourage any contributions (articles, photos, etc.) and/or corrections anyone may have.
   Please contact me by email at

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