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Coach-Wooden Coach-Steel

Delaware and Hudson Railroad
"Passenger Coach Car Roster"

No. Images Built C Seat Length Builder Notes
Former Denver & Rio Grande Western - 1967
Sold to Venezuela - Ferrocarriles Nacionales - 1972
21 Wanted 1950 S 52 PS
bulletPreviously DRGW #1241
22 1 1950 S 52 PS
bulletPreviously DRGW #1242
23 Wanted 1950 S 52 PS
bulletPreviously DRGW #1243
24 Wanted 1950 S 52 PS
bulletPreviously DRGW #1245
25 Wanted 1950 S 52 PS
bulletPreviously DRGW #1246
Former DL&W for the Phoebe Snow
Former Erie Limited - 1970


1 1949 S 62 ACF
bulletPreviously DL&W #302
bulletPreviously Erie Lackawanna #1302
bulletRebuilt (HI) and named Ausable River
32 Wanted 1949 S 62 ACF
bulletPreviously DL&W #303
bulletPreviously Erie Lackawanna #1303
bulletRebuilt (HI) and named Bulwagga Bay
33 Wanted 1949 S 62 ACF
bulletPreviously DL&W #309
bulletPreviously Erie Lackawanna #1309
bulletRebuilt (HI) and named Mount Marcy
bulletRenamed Schroon Lake
34 1 1949 S 62 ACF
bulletPreviously DL&W #313
bulletPreviously Erie Lackawanna #1313
bulletRebuilt (HI) and named Whiteface Mountain
Streamline Steal Coach {201-206}
201 Wanted 1939 S 76 ACF
202 1 1939 S 76 ACF
bullet1974/5 Rebuilt (HI) and named Lake Placid
203 Wanted 1939 S 76 84' 9" ACF
204 1 1939 S 76 ACF
bullet1974/5 Rebuilt (HI) and named Lake George
205 Wanted 1939 S 76 73' 11" ACF
bullet1974/5 Rebuilt (HI) and named Fort Ticonderoga
206 1 1939 S 76 ACF
bullet1974/5 Rebuilt (HI) and named Essex County
Commuter Coach {208-221}
Former Boston & Albany - 1956
Sold to Long Island or Susquehanna - 1963
208 Wanted OB
209 Wanted OB
210 Wanted OB
211 Wanted OB
212 Wanted OB
213 Wanted OB
214 Wanted OB
215 Wanted OB
216 Wanted OB
217 Wanted OB
218 Wanted OB
219 Wanted OB
220 Wanted OB
221 Wanted OB
Heavyweight  / Steal Coach {222-230}
222 Wanted 1916 S 84 72' 8" B&S
bulletPreviously #352 - 1942; 70 Seat
223 Wanted 1916 S 84 72' 8" B&S
bulletPreviously #360? - 1942; 70 Seat
224 Wanted 1916 S 84 72' 8" B&S
bulletPreviously #354 - 1942
225 Wanted 1916 S 84 72' 8" B&S
bulletPreviously #358 - 1942
226 Wanted 1916 S 84 72' 8" B&S
bulletPreviously #360? - 1942
227 Wanted 1916 S 84 72' 8" B&S
bulletPreviously #353 - 1942; 74 Seat
228 Wanted 1916 S 84 72' 8" B&S
bulletPreviously #352 - 1942; 74 Seat
229 Wanted 1916 S 84 72' 8" B&S
bulletRemodeled to Smoker
bulletPreviously #355 - 1942; 74 Seat
bulletSold Central NY Chapter NRHS - 1968
bulletLeased back / Named C. J. Brierley - 1975
230 Wanted 1916 S 84 72' 8" B&S
bulletPreviously #359 - 1942; 74 Seat
Coach {231-239}
231 Wanted 1916 90 72' 8" ACF
bulletPreviously #361 - 1945
232 Wanted 1916 90 72' 8" ACF
bulletPreviously #362 - 1941/5
233 Wanted 1916 90 72' 8" ACF
bulletPreviously #363
234 Wanted 1916 90 72' 8" ACF
bulletPreviously #364
235 Wanted 1916 S 90 72' 8" ACF
bulletRemodeled to Smoker
bulletPreviously #365
236 Wanted 1903 ACF
bulletLater #344
236 Wanted 1916 90 72' 8" ACF
bulletPreviously #366
237 Wanted 1916 90 72' 8" ACF
bulletRemodeled to Smoker
bulletPreviously #367
238 Wanted 1916 90 72' 8" ACF
bulletPreviously #368
239 Wanted 1916 S 90 72' 8" ACF
bulletPreviously #369 - 1941/5
Coach {240-265}
Previously 242-261, 346-351
Rebuilt by D&H during 1921-1925
#242-#261 all were off the roster by 1955
240 Wanted 1904 T 82 79' 3" B&S
bulletPreviously #246 - 1932
241 Wanted 1904 T 80 79' 3" B&S
bulletPreviously #248 - 1932
242 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
bulletPreviously #347
243 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
244 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
245 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
246 Wanted 1904 T 80 B&S
bulletRebuilt & Renumbered #240 - 1932
247 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
248 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
bulletRebuilt & Renumbered #241 - 1932
249 Wanted 1904 T 82 78' 8" B&S
250 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
251 Wanted 1904 T 80 78' 8" B&S
252 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
253 1 1904 T 82 B&S
bulletPreviously #259
bulletLater Mechanicville, NY Yard Office (Pictured)
254 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
255 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
256 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
257 Wanted 1904 T 80 78' 8" B&S
258 Wanted 1904 T 80 78' 8" B&S
259 Wanted 1904 T 82 78' 8" B&S
bulletPreviously #346
bulletLater #253
260 Wanted 1904 T 82 78' 8" B&S
261 Wanted 1904 T 80 B&S
bulletLater #265
262 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
bulletPreviously #350
bulletLater #545 - 1926
263 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
bulletPreviously #351
264 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
265 Wanted 1904 T 82 B&S
bulletPreviously #261
269 Wanted 1903 ACF
bulletPreviously #322
bulletLater #106 (Combine) - 1943
271 Wanted 1903 74 ACF
bulletPreviously #236
bulletPreviously #344 - 1927
Coach {273-282}
#325-#343 rebuilt by D&H in 1926
273 Wanted 1907 T 66 ACF
bulletPreviously #333 - 194x
bulletListed as Seat 74 - 1946, and 72 in 1938
274 Wanted 1907 T 74 ACF
bulletPreviously #334
275 Wanted 1907 T 74 ACF
bulletPreviously #335
276 Wanted 1907 T 66 ACF
bulletPreviously #336
277 Wanted 1907 T 74 ACF
bulletPreviously #337
278 Wanted 1907 T 74 ACF
bulletPreviously #338
279 Wanted 1907 T 74 ACF
bulletPreviously #339
280 Wanted 1907 T 74 ACF
bulletPreviously #340
bulletLater Combine #105 - 1940
281 Wanted 1907 T 74 ACF
bulletPreviously #341
282 Wanted 1907 T 72 ACF
bulletPreviously #342
11 Wanted S
bulletGeorge Hart Transaction, Former Reading
bulletSold to Chessie Systems - 1977
12 Wanted T 80
bulletRebuilt 192x
13 Wanted 1893 32 WMC
bulletPreviously #268 D&H CC
bulletLater #285 -1925
Miner's Coach {287-299}
#15-#17 Rebuilt by D&H during 1925-1929
287 Wanted 1893 T 82 WMC
bulletPreviously #15 - 1925
288 Wanted 1893 T 82 WMC
bulletPreviously #16 - 1925
289 Wanted 1893 T 82 WMC
bulletPreviously #17 - 1925
290 Wanted 1893 T 82 WMC
bulletPreviously #18 - 1925
291 Wanted 1893 T 82 WMC
bulletPreviously #19 - 1925
292 Wanted 1893 T 82 WMC
bulletPreviously #20 - 1925
293 Wanted 1893 T 82 WMC
bulletPreviously #21 - 1925
294 Wanted 1893 T 82 WMC
bulletPreviously #22 - 1925
295 Wanted 1893 T 82 WMC
bulletPreviously #23 - 1925
296 Wanted 1893 T 82 WMC
bulletPreviously #24 - 1925
297 Wanted 1893 T 82 WMC
bulletPreviously #25 - 1925
298 Wanted 1893 T 82 WMC
bulletPreviously #26 - 1925
299 Wanted 1893 T 82 WMC
bulletPreviously #27 - 1925
Various Coaches {3xx} Not listed above
320 Wanted T
bulletPreviously #237
321 Wanted T
bulletPreviously #229
322 Wanted T
bulletPreviously #235
323 Wanted T
bulletRemodeled to Smoker #323
324 Wanted 1907 T ACF
bulletLater #650 (Pay Car)
bulletLater #608 (Diner) - 1922
325 Wanted T
326 Wanted T
bulletLater #550
bulletLater #111 (Combine)
327 Wanted T
328 Wanted 1907 T ACF
bulletLater 551
bulletLater 112 (Combine)
329 Wanted 1907 T ACF
bulletLater #547
bulletLater #108 (Combine)
330 Wanted 1907 T ACF
bulletLater #548
bulletLater #109 (Combine)
331 Wanted T
332 Wanted T
343 Wanted T 72
Coach {1xx}
119 Wanted
bulletLater #35211 Rules' Examination Car -1913
161 Wanted 1891 W 66 61' 1" GCW
bulletD&H CC Purchased
162 Wanted 1891 W 66 61' 1" GCW
bulletD&H CC Purchased
163 Wanted 1891 W 66 61' 1" GCW
bulletD&H CC Purchased
164 Wanted 1891 W 66 61' 1" GCW
bulletD&H CC Purchased
165 Wanted 1891 W 66 61' 1" GCW
bulletD&H CC Purchased
166 Wanted 1891 W 66 61' 1" GCW
bulletD&H CC Purchased
177 Wanted 1892 W 62 53' 8" GCW
bulletD&H CC Purchased - 1 of 14 Cars
179 Wanted 1907 53' 8"
bullet Converted to Test Car #35212 (Hear/Vision)
187 Wanted 1893 T 68 55' 4" WMC
bulletLater #316 - 1925 (Remodeled to Smoker)
189 Wanted 1893 T 68 55' 4" WMC
bulletLater #317 - 1925 ( Remodeled to Smoker)
191 Wanted 1893 T 68 55' 4" WMC
bulletLater #318 - 1925 ( Remodeled to Smoker)
194 Wanted 1893 T 68 55' 4" WMC
bulletLater #319 - 1925 ( Remodeled to Smoker)
197 Wanted 1893 WMC
bulletLater #544
bulletLater #107 (Combine) - 1928
Coach {10xx}
Former EL - 1967
1001 Wanted 1925 S SSC
1010 Wanted 1925 S SSC
1012 Wanted 1925 S SSC
1014 Wanted 1925 S SSC
1021 1 1925 S SSC
Misalliance Coaches
1549 Wanted S
bulletGeorge Hart Transaction, Former Reading
bulletSold to Chessie Systems - 1977
2183 Wanted S
bullet5th Phoebe Snow Coach (MTA/Long Island)
January 22, 2000
Last Updated:
December 26, 2006
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