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DHVM: D&H Diesel GE U32B Roster


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301 302 304 306 307 309 310 311 312 313 316 3xx

Delaware & Hudson Railroad

No. Images Built Disposition Notes
301 2 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2301
bulletLater Guilford {for Maine Central}
302 2 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2302
bulletLater Guilford {for Maine Central}
303 Wanted 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2303
bulletLater Guilford {for Maine Central}
304 2 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2304
bulletLater Guilford {for Maine Central}
305 Wanted 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2305
bulletLater Guilford {for Maine Central}
306 5 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2306
bulletLater Guilford {for Maine Central}
307 6 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2307
bulletLater Guilford {for Maine Central}
308 Wanted 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2308
bulletLater Guilford {for Maine Central}
309 1 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2309
bulletLater Guilford {for Maine Central}
310 3 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2310
bulletLater Guilford {for Maine Central}
311 5 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2311
bullet"Grey Ghost"
bulletLater Guilford {for Maine Central}
312 10 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2312
bulletRepainted Bicentenary #1776
bulletNamed E. W. McCrea
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2312
bulletLater Guilford { for Maine Central}
313 3 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2313
bulletLater Guilford {for Maine Central}
314 Wanted 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2314
bulletLater Guilford {for Maine Central}
315 Wanted 1968
bulletScrapped 1971
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2315
316 1 1968
bulletSold 1983
bulletRenumbered Delaware and Hudson #2316
bulletLater Guilford {for Maine Central}
3xx 1 -

For those Engines that are unidentified but known to be this class

bulletLocomotive Information via Bridge Line Historical Society ( )

January 22, 2000
Last Updated:
December 26, 2006
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