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DHVM: D&H RR MOW Car Roster

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Delaware & Hudson Railroad
"MOW Roster"

No. Images Built Notes


122 3
30014 1
30015 Wanted 1907
30016 Wanted 1900
30018 Wanted 1904
30019 Wanted 1904
30020 Wanted 1921
30021 5 1926
30022 1
3xxxx 1
30088 3
30113 1


36006 Wanted
36007 2
36029 2
36037 2
bulletCurrently at "Steamtown" in Scranton, PA
36xxx 1

Jordan Spreader

35053 2 1956
35054 1 1947
35055 1 1925
35056 Wanted 1956
35057 Wanted



bulletBus, Truck, etc.


3xxxx 2
bulletUnknown Road Numbers
? Wanted
bulletSnow Plow (Gravity)
? Wanted 1907
bulletSteam Operated Derrick (D&H Co.)
1 Wanted 1905
2 Wanted 1879
bulletHand Derrick (D&H C Co.)
3 Wanted 1925
bulletDitcher (D&H Co.)
700 Wanted
bulletTrack Car
30043 Wanted
bulletPreviously Milk Car
30054 Wanted
30081 Wanted
bulletIdler Flat
30084 Wanted
30097 Wanted
30105 Wanted
bulletWrecking Riding Car
30111 Wanted
30116 Wanted
30117 Wanted
30123 1
bulletPreviously RPO
31001 1
bulletFlat - Equipped with Tank for fuel
31052 Wanted
bulletFlat (D&H Co.)
32005 Wanted
32042 Wanted 1903
bulletOriginally #1-50
bulletRodger Ballast Car (D&H Co,)
32051 1
32068 Wanted
32141 Wanted 1922
bulletAir Dump Car - 20 Cubic Yard (D&H Co.); 30 Cars
32151 Wanted 1926
bulletAir Dump Car - 30 Cubic Yard (D&H Co.); 10 Cars
32160 Wanted
bulletAir Dumper Car
32175 Wanted
bulletAir Dumper Car
34303 Wanted
bulletBoarding Outfit, Complete (D&H Co.)
34368 Wanted
bulletSignal Car
34399 Wanted
bulletSignal Car
34401 1
bullet"Old D&H Passenger Car"
35000 Wanted
bullet"Sputnik" - Steam Generator
35001 Wanted 1923
bulletLocomotive Coiling Crane (D&H Co.)
35028 Wanted 1912
bulletBridge Department Derrick (D&H Co.)
35039 Wanted
bulletFlat Car
35042 Wanted 1917
bulletRail Loader (The D&H Co.)
35043 Wanted 1917
bulletRail Loader (The D&H Co.)
35044 Wanted 1917
bulletRail Loader (The D&H Co.)
35045 Wanted 1926
bulletStandard Steal Burro Crane (The D&H Co.)
35048 Wanted 1925
bulletUniversal Crane (D&H Co.)
35051 1 1901
bulletScale Test Car
35052 2 1929
bulletScale Test Car
35071 Wanted 1901
bulletScale Inspection Car (D&H Co.)
35079 1 1903
bulletPile Driver (D&H Co.)
35135 1
bulletWater Tender from Challenger
35200 Wanted
bulletAir Brake Instruction Car (D&H Co.)
bulletPreviously Pay Car #50 built 1910
bulletPut in MOW Service 1913
35214 Wanted
bulletSafety Inspection
35211 Wanted
bulletRules' Examination Car (D&H Co.)
bulletPreviously Coach #119
35212 Wanted
bulletHearing and Vision Car (D&H Co.)
35215 Wanted
bulletPreviously Wooded Miner's Coach
bulletSafety Inspection Car
35222 Wanted
bulletPreviously Open-Platform Coach
bulletExamination Car
35243 Wanted 1925
bulletPreviously Open-Platform Coach
bulletPreviously 60 Ft Baggage Car
bulletStores Department Supply Car
35255 Wanted
bulletWork Coach
35291 Wanted 1906
35324 Wanted
bulletPreviously Passenger Coach 
bulletSignal Department Box Car
35411 1
35420 1
bulletCovered Hopper
35424 Wanted
35427 1
bulletFlat Car
35454 Wanted
bulletSand Box Car
35461 1
bulletSand Box Car
35464 1
bulletSand Box Car
35465 Wanted
bulletSand Box Car
35466 Wanted
35505 Wanted

Water Tender

35508 9

Water Tender from Challenger #1517


Sold to CP for usage as Aux. Tender for Steam Engine #2816 (2000)
Letter from CPR Corporate Historian Jonathan B. Hanna

35511 Wanted

Safety Instruction Coach

35985 1
bulletTank Car
35991 Wanted 1912
bulletTransport (Illuminating Gas) Car (D&H Co.)
35993 Wanted

Tank Car

36050 Wanted 1904
bulletSnow Plow (D&H Co.)
36051 Wanted 1904
bulletSnow Plow (D&H Co.)
36052 Wanted 1904
bulletSnow Plow (D&H Co.)
36053 Wanted 1902
bulletSnow Plow (D&H Co.)
36056 Wanted 1911
bulletSnow Plow (D&H Co.)
36057 Wanted 1916
bulletSnow Plow (D&H Co.)
36058 Wanted 1918
bulletSnow Plow (D&H Co.)
36059 Wanted 1918
bulletSnow Plow (D&H Co.)
38004 Wanted

Ice Breaker

38028 Wanted


39041 Wanted 1958
39058 2
SB-1 1
bulletSnow Melter
bulletMOW Information via Bridge Line Historical Society ( )
bulletAdditional Information:  "D&H Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipments" {Book}
bulletAdditional Information:  "Delaware and Hudson - In Color, Volume 1" {Book}
bulletAdditional Information:  "Delaware and Hudson - In Color, Volume 2" {Book}
bulletAdditional Information:  "Delaware and Hudson Steam - In Color" {Book}
bulletAdditional Information:  "Freight, Passenger and Work Equipment Development" {Book}
bulletAdditional Information:  "Equipment of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad, Volume 1" {Book}
January 22, 2000
Last Updated:
August 19, 2007
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