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CWMR's Club Layouts

Club Layout

The club has had two HO scale modular layouts since its inception. The first layout was begun in 1987 as "the club owning the corner modules and sixteen feet of straight modules" and the members building their own modules based on certain specifications. This layout eventually reach 16' x 52' in size. The second layout was begun in the summer of 2002 with a different approach. This 'new' layout is wholly owned by the club and much smaller, 12' x 24'.

Our original layout made its first public appearance at the Waupaca Club's Winnebagoland Division Meet in October of 1987. It was only 12' x 24' with no scenery! Its second public appearance was at our first of many hosted Division Meets in April 1988. As you can see from the photos below it grew a little!

Here are some photos of our original layout taken over its 15 year life.

Our second layout is nearing completion.